Spectacular corruption in Sierra Leone : Still no satisfactory explanation from SLPP about 21 shiploads of rice donated by China

The ruling SLPP Government has not given any satisfactory explanation about the 21 shiploads of rice donated to Sierra Leone by China.

But reports are that the government has sold the rice without informing citizens about the Chinese donation. Some social media commentators believe that the donated Chinese rice caused the SLPP Government to reduce the price of the commodity in the Sierra Leone markets recently .

AMBASSADOR JOHN LEIGH COMMENTS :   The shiploads of rice gifted SL by Libya during president Kabbah’s tenure was not eaten. It was sold at a discounted price in the open market by various vendors and the proceeds used for public purposes.

It was APC propaganda that created the false impression that SLPP ate the rice.

With the Chinese rice, Bio has started selling some of the rice through favored agents at low prices, down to Le720 from Le960 per 50lb bag.

The problem is Bio is not disclosing that the rice is a free gift from China. Bio is trying to create the fake impression that the lower priced rice he is selling is a product of his expert leadership in Agriculture, and that the lower price is for keeps; whereas it is a wholly temporary price while the Chinese supplies last. And it has nothing to do with improved Agricultural leadership in SL.

But by that time Dr Samura would be in power and he would get the blame when the price of rice reverts to the higher level that prevailed before Bio began selling the free Chinese rice.

Bio is setting up Dr. Samura to blame him for high rice prices after Bio leaves office under the TA.

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