The Bank Governors policy to curb the exchange rate is failing
By: Rodney Michael
The dollar is back to slightly above 14 000
The intent has now got a reverse impact
None of the cash is being deposited and the informal economy is being strengthened whilst the formal banking sector has been weakened badly
The consequences are severe and will get worse if the cash restrictions is not withdrawn immediately and cash circulation improves considerably…
Combating the exchange rate is not by force…it has to be properly managed
There is now an economic insecurity which is a deterrent to economic growth
Prof Kallon has got it wrong…entirely and totally
I hope the following (V.P., CHIEF MINISTER, MOF AND F.S) will immediately ask the President to step in and have a word with the BG…this is a disaster looming
it is getting worse by the second and it has seriously affected people at all levels…moreso those who are at the lower end of the business world
A word for the wise should suffice…
I am a friend, not a foe!
I mean well.