By Kabs Kanu
I am developing zero tolerance for Sierra Leone politics under this shameful , uncivilized SLPP Government.
This Maada Bio SLPP era is the worst ever in the history of our nation. Our country is literally going to the dogs . People are suffering unprecedented economic hardships like dogs without owners. Prices of basic commodities and food have escalated out of reach of our people . Living conditions have become harsher and nastier.
The wheels have been ripped off the wagon. The ship of state is rudderless and is an accident going somewhere to happen. Maada Bio and his wife are literally trashing our country to its ultimate catastrophic demise. The sights of people suffering and being abused in return by the SLPP are too glaring and too pitiful. YOU HAVE TO BE SOMEBODY WITHOUT A HUMAN HEART OR SOUL NOT TO BE CONCERNED AND NOT TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE UNENDING EVIL IN THE LAND.
Yet, Sierra Leoneans are at it again. Hypocrisy , one- sided support for evil because it is being perpetrated by their tribesmen and women , stoicism, lack of love and interest in the nation and just wicked neglect ——especially by those who call themselves people of God and the educated citizens .
However, I have vowed to my God not be like some other ministers of the gospel or Book People who see all the evil and darkness in our land but have buried their heads in the sand like ostriches because of tribal and regional reasons , cowardice , hypocrisy or lack of understanding of the fact that they are the focal point of society and should lead the crusade against evil and wicked leadership and human rights abuses, filth, corruption, injustice, tribalism, exclusion, bullying , shedding of innocent human blood , cannibalism and ritual murders .
God’s prophets in the Bible were never silent about the evil leaders under the stupid excuse that religious leaders should not partake in politics.
I did it when Siaka Stevens was trashing our country in the 70s , though it was a Northern- dominated government and I am a Northerner and I will do it again while Maada Bio is taking our country to the cleaners.
I have seen many posts in which Sierra Leoneans are asserting that our country is going through this Maada Bio pain and suffering because God is paying our country for the attitudes of our people who are hypocrites , cowards and unconcerned citizens who only complain under their beds about the damages being inflicted on their nation by the bloody, dictatorial and shambolic governance of President Maada Bio. Yet, life goes on and nothing is being done by them to change the disastrous status quo.
When I read the reports and findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( TRC ) about how the 11 year old rebel war came to Sierra Leone, I shake my head in grief because I see Maada Bio committing with impunity all the same evils by previous leaders that ignited the war.
The needless bloodshed, killings, maiming of opponents, the impunity and provocation accompanying these evils, tribalism , regionalism and exclusion from governance of other citizens because they are not Mendes are recipes for another round of war in Sierra Leone.
Maada Bio is literally positioning Sierra Leone for another war . It would seem like Maada Bio was dressed up , tutored and prepared by the Devil to come and bring war back to Sierra Leone.
Yet, educated Sierra Leoneans and religious people are unconcerned. Not only that. Some also seek to ostracize those of us who have come out boldly once again to speak out as we did in the 70s and were jailed at Pademba Road Prisons for our efforts .
So, the question that some Sierra Leoneans are asking need to be answered: Is God paying Sierra Leone for the hypocrisy , cowardice , tribal and regional bias, disinterest in the welfare of their nation and unserious attitudes of her citizens ?