Just connecting the dots…
On becoming President in 2007, President Koroma promised to move this country forward, to transform our roads, improve electricity, invest more in education and health. The actions of this APC government brought about the biggest investment flows into the country since independence, with the expansion of huge iron ore mines, and large agricultural projects in the country. President Koroma’s administration faced challenges, but he acted on his promises, and in every district today, his achievements are self-evident. Because of his actions, all projections, from reputable agencies all over the world, pointed to great times ahead for Sierra Leone.
Then Ebola struck; then iron ore prices fell. The projections did not foresee these events coming. Nobody in 2013 saw these events coming. Today, mainly because of those two shocks, the going is tough, but this APC government has not pulled back from its aspirations to move this country forward. The country needed massive investments in roads, the country needed free health care for pregnant women and for children, the country needed to triple salaries of teachers, lecturers, nurses, doctors and civil servants, our country needed to pay for its students to sit public examinations, our country needed to improve its electricity, our country needed to put more resources into agriculture and other priority sectors, and APC took action on all these fronts. Now Dr. Samura Kamara will continue to fight to overcome the other challenges.
Some people like standing on the sidelines screaming at the referee like a sad, drunk parent at a high-school football game. They are afraid to get into the ring and do what is necessary. And for those armchair patriots and internet nationalists who criticize this APC government. I implore them to come into the ring for the heavy lifting, to come into the ring to start businesses, to contribute your education to our schools, your expertise to our youths, and your global experience to the advancement of the nation.
De Apprentice Network
#Momodu Jalloh