YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR ➡The best bet for Freetown
The positive feedback after the AYV TV Mayoral roundtable discussions left Freetonians painting the media with endorsements for YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR(APC Mayoral candidate for Freetown).
“She’s very well structured, constructive, organized, highly articulate and mentally oriented, sophisticated, professionally designed and decorated, oratorally skillfully equipped, knowledgeablely and technically exceptionally excellent. I’m really impressed, as I watched her now demonstrating live. She’s indeed a blessing and dressing to mama salone, Freetown municipality to be precise.
Congratulations Yvonne!! You have our support”. One out of countless notes of solidarity after the discussion.
YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR demonstrated her ability to stay focused on her passion for her city(Freetown) by sharing her vision for this great city whilst other participants who are Mayoral aspirants dwelled on attacking the only female Mayoral candidate of Freetown.
YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR’s track record of commitment and delivery to Freetonians which has spanned decades and at this present moment is still on-going is unarguably evident. The undoubtedly job-creating and tourist attracting initiative of Hilton which is bound to single-handedly reduce unemployment drastically in Freetown is unparalleled by any other candidate. The list of great promise our great city(Freetown) holds with a Mayor like YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR is definitely endless.
Her eye for detail has been evident and unarguable, especially with her relentless drive towards connecting with every Freetonian with her “Walk across Freetown” movement. What more can this epitome of servant-leadership show or portray? Freetown and it’s citizens have spoken via the text messages, calls, social media endorsements and massive turnout to share their concerns about this great city everytime she visits a street, household, ward or constituency.
The Freetown we dream and desire is certainly achievable with our mother, sister and daughter YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR. Hope in a brighter tomorrow and the transformation of Freetown into a world class destination city is surely alive again.
Support YVONNE AKI-SAWYERR for Mayor of Freetown!!!
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