By M. Alieu Iscandari Esq on September 20, 2005
Now folks the 2007 campaign between Ernest Koroma and Solomon Berewah is going to be a campaign about who has the better vision for sierra leone.
I have always advocated for the repeal of all minning contracts in sierra leone because they are not in the interest of THE PEOPLE of sierra leone.
I have always advocated that Sierra Leone needs to be run like a business, for the profit of its shareholders who are its people. In my recent trips to the different districts of sierra leone i have had the opportunity of observing first hand the environmental destruction that goes by the euphemistic nomenclature of KOIDU HOLDINGS.
I was able to observe at least 12 Helicopters land and take off from Kono during the one week I was there. I visited many minning areas owned by indegenes. I can tell you first hand the condition of the road to Kono, that after Matotoka, its one of the worst roads one would ever one to traverse. I am aware that there is an agreement between the government of sierra leone and Koidu Holdings and other “large” minning concerns, for the payment of a 3% excise tax on all diamonds mined and exported in sierra leone. I am not aware of any leaseholds signed by said “large” minning concerns which at least channels some monies to the communities.
Why am I saying all of these facts? It is because whoever the next leader fo Sierra Leone is should be put on notice that we in the diaspora and to a much lesser exten those on the ground in Sa Lone are aware of the manfest depletion of our natural resources at the expense of the people. To show their integrity, we ask that who ever wins in 2007, make public all agreements with any and all companies for the exploitation of our natural resources.
As for me I firmly believe that Ernest koroma is a man of integrity who will create a transparent economic environment for the prosperity of all sierra leoneans. I am hereby calling on all disgruntled SLPP members who were “yuki yukied” out of their constitutional rights to be nominated to give the APC under Ernest Koroma a chance. This time around, I urge all of you to cast your votes with a winner. Vote your consciences and not for party affiliation. Vote for INTEGRITY in Government, VOTE ERNEST KOROMA.
PS: I wouldnt be saying this if I didnt believe that he is a leader with a vision.
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