In Pursuit of Unity and Progress: A Pivotal Dialogue for the Future of Sierra Leone

By Foday Sadik Kamara, Head of Communications and Digital Transformation, SamuraKamara2023.

In a world teeming with discord, the moments that bring us together are not just newsworthy but crucial for the advancement of our collective human experience. Today’s pre-dialogue meeting held at the APC party headquarters, graced by esteemed international partners, including the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Commonwealth, was one such monumental moment for the people of Sierra Leone.

This monumental gathering was not just a meeting of minds but a harmonious blending of aspirations, ambitions, and most importantly, hopes for a better Sierra Leone. The presence of the National Commission for Peace and Reconciliation elevated the event from mere diplomacy to a peace-building endeavor aimed at fostering national unity. The discussions that took place were laden with possibilities that transcend political affiliations, social strata, or economic classes.

The collective wisdom and experiences of the AU, ECOWAS, and the Commonwealth, coupled with our own National Commission, added a layer of depth and international perspective to our domestic aspirations. It is a true manifestation of the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” It is clear that we, as a nation, are choosing the path of togetherness, with each step meticulously calculated to ensure that no one is left behind.

To the supporters of APC and the general public, there is every reason to have faith in the direction we are taking. The tone of the meeting was not just positive, but optimistic, filled with a mutual commitment to ensure the sustainability of peace, economic growth, and the general well-being of our beloved country. Let it be clear: this isn’t about any single political party or individual. It is about Sierra Leone, our home, and the future we hope to construct together.

It is only natural to have apprehensions about the future, to wonder what these dialogues will bring forth in terms of tangible outcomes. But let me reassure you, the tenor and substance of yesterday’s discourse left no room for doubt that everyone involved under the leadership of Dr Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara is subservient to the overriding interest of Sierra Leone.

In this complex ballet of politics, economics, and social dynamics, missteps are inevitable. Yet, they are just that—steps, not the end of the journey. We are a nation walking together, and each gathering like the one we had is a step closer to the Sierra Leone we all dream of—united, prosperous, and harmonious.

Let’s continue to support these initiatives, to ask the hard questions, and to hold our leaders accountable, all the while knowing that the fundamental goal remains unchanged: a better Sierra Leone for all its sons and daughters.

Together, under the leadership of Dr Samura Kamara we can, and we will, build a future where the sun of prosperity shines brightly over the hills and valleys of this beautiful land. Our collective well-being, like the towering Cotton Tree in Freetown, shall remain deeply rooted in our shared aspirations, rising ever higher towards the sky.

Thank you, and may peace be upon Sierra Leone.🇸🇱