*Sierra Leoneans Urged by Journalist Allieu Badara to Resist Political Prostitutes*
By Father Aliko
Political prostitution as it is termed by this Writer, is the act of selfish and greedy Politicians transferring or “cross carpeting” from one Political party to another. The essence is to continuously actualize gains at the detriment of the suffering Masses. For instance, some cruel and unpatriotic Politicians had left the main opposition, All Peoples Congress (APC) party and joined the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) because they are the powers that be and those self centered Political prostitutes are bent to desperately amase wealth at all costs through corrupt practices and feeding the host party with fabricated lies. They will say all sorts of demeaning things against the political party where they were belonging and the same is applicable to those who have left the SLPP and join the APC.
The National Grand Coalition (NGC) is not an exception. It is with no iota of doubt that such Politicians are eating the fabrics of developments in Sierra Leone and they are to a large extent responsible for the backwardness of this Nation. For the sake of national development and decent politicking, it is high time Politicians in Mama Salone learn to stood the test of times and make their respective Political parties a better place to belong and practice politics.
However, we have seen in Sierra Leone how most Political “Cross Carpeters” play their gimmicks in desperation to continue amasing wealth and pursuing their selfish Agenda in the disguise of serving the Nation. Some are even fond of denting the Image of the party where they belonged so that it Members could be ridiculed by Electorates.Any Politician who mean well for this country should stay in his or her Political party amidst challenges and help overcoming obstacles that are preventing the party to make inroads. That is what makes a politician trustworthy and sincere to his or her people and the Nation as a whole. Those who leave for self centered motives are being considered selfish, greedy and dishonest. They never meant good for this Nation. They are Quitters and Quitters never win. The best of a Politician is one who stays and plays pivotal role in ensuring that his or her party wins minds and souls.
For an effective and efficient Democracy to prevail and be sustained, it is high time some naive Politicians uphold their integrities and diligently serve this beloved Nation through their various Political parties and should deviate from forming a new Political party with the sole aim of unseating another Political party in power and later return to the party where they were belonging. Thereby leaving their loyal followers in funny and confused states. Since Democracy lays emphasis on the people, it is not a bad thing to form a Political party but it is high time Leaders of those newly formed parties stood the test of times and ensure that they exist, devoid of temptations and challenges that emerged.
By and large, some people have been referring to Politics as a “dirty game” but I want to present a contrary view that Politics is a decent game but some cruel and dishonest Politicians make it dirtier. Some are using it as a business, jumping from party A to party B just to sustain livelihood. It should not be like that.
Being a Politician is a fine choice but finding a profession to embark on besides Politics prevents one from practicing politics of deceit and “laybelism”. It is but no gain saying that we have some decent and sober minded politicians in Sierra Leone who mean well for this Country and who have been proving it beyond all reasonable doubts. Some have manifested their professionalism and selfless services when they are or they were given the opportunity to serve. Unfortunately, there are proportions of some who are using or used the people they supposed to serve as opportunists instead of being public servants to the Electorates who voted them in power.
As far as I can see, some of our Politicians should refrain from the selfish Agenda of political prostitution or “cross carpeting” for the betterment of Mama Salone. Stay in your party and be the Agent of Change when in disaster. If you are in Governance, then serve the Country with your utmost capability and apt professionalism. Do not misuse the trust and opportunity being bestowed upon you today, to intend “cross carpeting” to another Political party when its comes to power or when power changes hands after you have already shattered your own original Political party.
Watch out for another Version in our subsequent Editions.
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