Another day, another lie from the defunct opposition SLPP party. Obviously, it is the Paopa maniacs that’s creating a distraction to cover up their Jobless Bio’s wrongdoings.
And these Paopa thugs are doing all kinds of undemocratic things by helping covering the diabolical acts of this jobless man who calls himself Maada Bio. Remember, Bio and his Paopa thugs have brought the SLPP party into the gutters. Please think about that for a moment; and folks are still following this fake brigadier to the path of destruction.
I believe an investigation into a politician of such nature is appropriate now, for his evil human rights abuses, and syphoning our Country’s resources abroad… Don’t you find it quite a coincidence that SLPPiers who are funding this jobless man are blaming him also for his accountability and transparency for interfering with their campaign/party funds.
Don’t you find it quite coincidental that SLPPiers are complaining about this jobless man’s charity organization/foundation that has no bearing towards societal growth because they considered this foundation/charity organization to be a way for this jobless man to sourcing funds for his livelihood, they believe it is inappropriate for it him to continue like this. Don’t you find it quite coincidental also that Jobless Bio bets against SLPPiers to collapse the SLPP party to use it for his daily survival to make money. Don’t you find it quite coincidental that jobless Bio and his Paopa thugs are betting against our economy to collapse? To score cheap political capital. Don’t you find it quite coincidental that Fake brigadier Bio is trying to cause an upheaval in our country? That’s why since his coming to the SLPP party SLPP party has never been the same again, there’s no Peace and Tranquility within the SLPP.
It’s almost as if Jobless Bio wants us to go into civil unrest so that he can make Billions? (God forbid!!!) Maybe Fake brigadier Bio and his Paopa surrogates are afraid, because President Koroma has brought prosperity back to our country and it doesn’t come cheaply it cost a lots of hard work and commitments, with a sense of purpose from our President. What if I told you there is a group called All Aspirants Alliance(AAA) is funded by one Dr. Kandeh Yumkella who is also targeting President Koroma with the goal to have him fail? What if I told you some names of these individuals who met with KKY are political lightweights that helped him to formed such Alliance within his own political party for his own selfish purpose, but guess what some lightweights politicians are resigning from his misguided Alliance. What if I told you Jobless Bio see the SLPP flag bearer as his only surviving job. Coincidence or something darker? I think there needs to be an investigations.
Our President has a proven track record that has proof, but these desperate opposition operatives will do everything they can to push back against him because they are controlled by the Entrenched Power Structure (power hungry mongrels; dem kind du anything for power.) but they are at war with themselves. The APC party is the real deal and it threatens their power structure. Only low informed, easily manipulated people who get the majority of their news from WhatsApp or Facebook and late night talk shows (night gatherings) believe the lies coming from these desperate misguided opposition operatives.. The Elections of 2018 gonna be their final demise, it set up for them to go into total oblivion, the indomitable APC party gonna ruined their plans, with an embarrassing defeat to these desperate opposition power hungry mongrels. Because the Sierraleonean people will realise the magnitude of what President Koroma has accomplished as President of our Country and they would understand why there is such a disinformation campaign being waged against him, to failed.
Fake Brigadier Bio has exhibited tyrannical psychopathic behavior he is totally unfit to be President and should never be in charge of anything in life!!!. He is a liar, a kleptomaniac, a misogynist and he is a puppet..
KKY can now blackmail Jobless Bio with the tapes about his evil deeds, and have him do SLPP bidding..not the interests of Sierra Leone. They’re So dangerous… We are Indivisible… help Resist these evils.. they’re not presidential…
Think about it:… Any respectable, credible, leadership traits of the SLPP that had built up our fragile democracy by meaningful citizens of this party that has turned to a social club, is going straight down the toilet with this foul lunatic & his Paopa instructors and surrogates, in charge of planting seeds of discord within the SLPP party with their tribalistic ideology.
The real desperation behind the throne(SLPP flag ship race) is jobless Bio… Dictatorship looms and with Bio in charge, it’s all going to go to s$#it, and fast again.. Sorry but no way the SLPP party is getting better… Ngor maada Bio is the ultimate sleaze-bag, he will take the SLPP down a path of moral depravity. His supporters, looks like some are ignorant of not seeing the reality — some are deceived because of fake promises given to them by this Fake brigadier Bio, they will be among the first to feel the pain of his deceptive deeds. God help us all, and save us from this jobless man to lead our Country…. This is a young man who has lived his entire life as the vile, dishonest, incurious creature who got elected to lead once a serious political party in our country. That election (2012) validated his impulses rather than served as a curb on them.” (But oh yh SLPP dem nor dae learned dem lessons well).At least there are a few that see ngor maada Bio for what he is summed up in one word “inept parasite”
These words should ring loud and clear: that Bio is UNFIT to lead our Country, even to be a councilor he is unqualified… Bio will continue to debase and devalue the SLPP “Sunkoh Sunkoh” social club with his lies. Bio will continue to follow failed Abass Bundu’s philosophy of internal deconstruction of their party, they lack principles and ethics. And Bio will continue to leech as much personal financial advantage as he can from the flesh of the SLPP party as he has seen the flag bearer position as a way he can source funds for his daily survival…(leh d man go fen job n forget about politics e nor gt career dae, lonta!!!) .
A Word for a wise is quite sufficient.
Alkay D’Prince