Country Manager,Capt Fabjanko Kokan
Bollore Afelease of figures of missing persons and houses consumed by the disaster by the office of National Security (ONS), Bollore group through its country office arrived at a decision to make another donation. Thereafter, the Country Manager, Captain Fabjanko Kokan on Friday 25th August, 2017 presented the said cheque to President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma in a closed door ceremony held at State House. Commenting on the recent donation, Captain Kokan said as a responsible company, they felt obliged to follow the disaster relief and recovery process and provide the required support to government as and when required.
This is not the first donation that has been made by the company towards the flood and mudslide victims. In the wake of the disaster, Bollore was one of the multi-national institutions that went into action by providing food and non-food items worth over one hundred million Leones to the flood and mudslide victims at Morteme, Kaningo and Pentagon communities.
Bollore being a team spirited company also responded to the call of its landlord, the Sierra Leone Ports Authority by contributing a whooping sum of thirty million Leones (Le.30, 000,000) to a basket fund and thereafter presented on Wednesday 23rd August, 2017 the sum of one hundred and fifty million Leones (Le.150, 000,000) on behalf of the port community to the Vice President Dr. Victor Foh as a consolidated contribution to the government towards its relief effort.
Recounting on previous crisis interventions, Captain Kokan noted how Bollore contributed one billion six hundred and fifty two million Leones (Le.1,652,000,000) during the period when the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) struck Sierra Leone.
The Freetown Terminal Limited, a subsidiary of Bollore Africa Transport and Logistics is engaged in giving an ultra modern phase lift to the country’s sea port by investing one hundred and twenty million dollars ($120M) to extend the port project.