By Ibrahim Sorious Samura
There have been several Facebook posts by Sierra Leonean singer Morris, alleging that a revered music vet, actor and businessman Jimmy B is a pervert and serial rapist. It all ensued from a reported incident of attempted rape on the night of Christmas at the Paradise Hotel/Guest House.
Despite the little or no details provided by Morris over his allegations, his social protests have gained some attention from activists and other female entertainers who have suffered similar pangs over the years, allegedly from the same accused – Jimmy B.

Over the years, some female entertainers have partly reported incidents of sexual harassments by their male counterparts. Whether it’s sex for grades or to access opportunities, many females have been subjected to some forms sexual harassment or rape. Some subdued, those who refused to subdue have either had their careers stifled or are yet to get the actually breakthrough they desire.
Such is prevalent between female entertainers and managers or show organisers in music labels, awards nominations, movie auditions, and even DJs and promoters are sometimes perpetrators of this menace. In most cases, these victims do not normally report those incidents for fear of being intimidated or traumatized.
On the recent allegations on Jimmy B, it’s likely to be ‘the final straw that breaks the camel’s back’, as this act is being challenged by another superstar, and has eventually gained public attention. Vertex Media has therefore reached out to both parties involved – Morris and Jimmy, for a clear story on what happened.
On his visit to Kissy, Eastern Freetown on Sunday afternoon, Morris narrated to this writer what happened between the victim and Jimmy B.
He told me that Jimmy attempted to rape a young lady from Canada (name withheld) who was staying in his hotel (Paradise Hotel/Guest House) at Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen. Morris said he is a friend to the lady in question, who sought advice from him on where to stay when she visit Freetown for a period of one month, at a time Morris was in Dubai. After suggesting to her friend on good places to stay, the lady finally chose to patronize her Sierra Leonean brother by staying at Paradise Hotel, owned by Jimmy B, for an agreed fee of $ 1,200 (Le 12,000,000).
According to Morris, on the lady’s first night in her apartment, she started getting strange and unusual attentions from Jimmy B. “She was confused and wondering why a hotel owner would like to be checking her incessantly, most times unannounced. He would come to her apartment during odd hours under the guise of checking on her. Jimmy would sometimes asked the lady to open her door even after she gave excuses of taking showers. Jimmy will always insist to go in.”
“It was at that moment she started complaining to me that she needs to relocate to another hotel.
This continued for countless times. On the 25th December 2020 (night ofChristmas), I was at the nightclub with my fiance, when she suddenly joined us by. We were partying together when she (my friend from Canada) started receiving phone calls from Jimmy B. She ignored all the calls and continued with they party. She later left us and went back to her apartment.”
Morris continues that the lady was stunned to have found Jimmy B inside her apartment. “Jimmy immediately rushed at her and limped onto her in an attempt to rape her. Hee tried yo rip off her clothes. She fought back so hard that Jimmy B gave up on her.”
“After realizing what he has done, he, Jimmy started pleading with the lady for her to conceal what he did to her. He begged so bitterly, saying that his reputation will be at stake if she report her. Jimmy went back to his apartment and brought all the money (12 Million Leones) the lady had paid, and returned it back to her after staying for 4 nights in the hotel. He even offered and persuaded to lodge her in the apartment for free, for as long as she wants to stay. Jimmy crawled and begged for forgiveness.”
I received distressed phone call from her, crying and complaining what Jimmy did to her.”
From Morris’ narrations and Facebook posts, Vertex Media also reached Jimmy B on the phone to het his reactions or his own side. Asked whether he has knowledge on rape allegations against him, the calmed Jimmy said yes he has knowledge about the accusations. He however couldn’t confirm or deny any wrongdoing in his simple response.
“My brother, let the will of God be done. I have worked for my reputation for several years, let the will of God be done. Thank you.”
My insistence on getting facts from him was turned down. “My brother, let’s just forget about this and wait for the will of God to be done,” he wished me happy new year in advance and dropped the call.
We couldn’t get his own explanation on what happened. All we have now is the story narrated to us by Morris. The victim’s identity shouldn’t be disclosed, and she is unreachable to give first-hand explanation.
Morris told this Vertex Media that the lady will pursue the matter, despite being in trauma at the moment.
In his car, he showed me overwhelming evidence on the incident, which includes calls and messages from Jimmy pleading with the lady’s aunt and other people.
To my dismay, I listened to testimonies from renowned female entertainers who recounted their awful experiences with Jimmy. Most of them are now willing to give account to the media and authorities. Some of them are currently living in the diaspora.
Many prominent entertainers are putting Morris on pressure to drop the matter.
On whether Jimmy will see his move as blackmailing tactics, Morris maintained he is doing this on genuine grounds. “Whenever we meet, I always pay tribute to him as the Godfather of Salone music. I cannot hate on him. He is a respected figure in society and he has to behave as one. Incidents like these has to be alarmed, somebody needs to speak up and prevent others from doing the same.”
“Many young girls have suffered similar indecent acts before in silence. This has to stop,” he told me.
“If he thinks that I’m wrongly accusing him, he can sue me for defamation. But he won’t, because he knows that the evidence against him are overwhelming.”