The Publisher of Cocorioko wishes to take this opportunity to thank the Bintumani Forum administrators for their decision not to allow their forum to be used for the settling of scores by evil and envious persons who feel that even in sickness somebody is continuing to steal the spotlight from them. Public service is not about competitions or somebody stealing your mojo. It is about doing what you know to do best to make sure that you excel in what you are hired to do.
If you are good, you do not worry about who gets all the praises or attention. You don’t become so jealous of somebody that you say that he stage-managed a heart surgery to gain praises and sympathy. So doctors in the great United States performed a heart surgery on someone to make him have praises and sympathy ? What could be more ridiculous and psychotic ?
I have worked at the Sierra Leone Mission for 5 years and I have only taken my annual vacation once , though I am entitled to 45-days with full vacation pay. This is because I love my work. The records are there to prove.
President Ernest Koroma has been lavishing praises on the late President Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah even before his sad demise because President Koroma has a healthy self-image and self-respect and he does not care who gets praised or given undue attention. He trusts in his ability and his achievements . If you are good, people will say it. So do not be jealous when others get praised. Do your level best and you too will get praised. Good workers do not bother when others get all the praise and attention.
We who run websites and forums should ensure that ill-disposed and envious people do not use our forums to settle scores. We too at Cocorioko had recently taken a strong ethical stand that we will not allow any negative posts in our Facebook forums against the late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah because we believe that it was an act of lack of ethics and indecency for people to write scurrilous articles against the old man while he was being mourned. We threatened to delete any post made against the President and ban anybody who violated our order. We knew that some ill-disposed people would have taken advantage of the Kabbah family and the SLPP’s pain to inflict more agony by writing unnecessarily insensitive articles. As the administrators of the Bintumani Forum rightly said : “Bintumani believes in free speech and democracy. Nevertheless, the principles of moral integrity and our obligation to ethical values will always take precedence, when it comes to freedom of expression.” Thank you, guys. I am impressed.
The Publisher is also indebted to other members of the forum for their strong ethical stand against the man who felt that when a man gets praised for excellent work, he stage-managed it. Our Sierra Leonean spirit for sympathy for those in peril did not allow you to endorse imbecility . Thank you very much, guys. Thanks also to your lady administrator Sage. Her post wishing me a speedy recovery was printed out and shown me in the hospital. Thank you , Sage.
Thanks too to my very good friends, Pasco Temple , Fen Plaba , Zakmal and Rosetta Zizer. You know your true friends in situations like these. I am indebted to you all.
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