Because of pride, pomposity, arrogance ; thinking that they know it all when they don’t; ignorance and wanting to remain uncivilized and practicing Leymbema Village politics, SLPP have screwed up themselves and Sierra Leone. Sierra Leoneans, all over the country and even in the SLPP strongholds of the Southeast are bitterly complaining.
Last week, bike riders at Kenema in the heartland of SLPP territory went on a wild protest against the increase of fuel, blocking traffic for hours and bringing the town to a virtual standstill.
A country that was dubbed by the UN when we were in power as the model of postwar national cohesion and development has been transformed by President Bio and his SLPP gang into one of the pariah states of Africa. The foreign media has nothing good to report anymore about Sierra Leone. Today, international headlines were about the cutting off of electricity to the capital, Freetown , by the karpowership providing light, because the SLPP Government has failed to pay them, owing U.S. $ 49 million.
Under President Ernest Koroma, Sierra Leone had the third fastest growing economy and even U.S. President Obama said at the UN that Sierra Leone was the new frontier for investment and development. When we worked at the UN, if you met Secretary General Ban Ki- Moon 5 times on the hallways, all he will say was how impressed he was with the progress being made by Sierra Leone. Even the UK, U.S, Canadian, German and French UN ambassadors had nothing but good things and optimism to express about Sierra Leone. But today, nobody has anything good to say about Sierra Leone under this repressive, corrupt and inept Bio government.
SAMURA KAMARA would have gloriously maintained the Ernest Koroma legacy but we, Sierra Leoneans, have our own regressive way that we think that always puts our nation behind. What did we see in former junta leader Maada Bio for us to have thought that he would have lifted high the banners of democracy, rule of law , constitutional governance, accountability, transparency, human rights and national development in our country ? How did we get so easily fooled by a retarded man like Maada Bio? Nar Bio you dey make President en expect anything good ?
God loves Sierra Leone but we Sierra Leoneans have to love ourselves first and seek our own interests for us to advance. This tribalism and ethnoregional dysfunctionality in us has been one of our greatest problems. Plus, we do not think rationally like other AFRICANS. Countries like Rwanda, Kenya , Senegal, Seychelles, Mauritius etc . would never have taken jokers like Maada Bio seriously. You dey see de bikfool written all over de man in face. Just listen to the things he says that were not written for him if they make sense.
All Maada Bio knows are tribalism and killing innocent people. When we warned about this years ago, people bashed us and called us names but today we have been vindicated. Today, people now see that we had been right all along about Maada Bio as the international community begins announced and unannounced sanctions that are gradually bringing down the nation. Bio is not fit to be village chief, let alone President of a country. The sanctions have started to seriously bite everybody in the nation.
If what the Sierra Leone U.S. Embassy Spokeswomen, Sarah Van Horne , is saying about more pending U.S actions against President Bio is anything to go by, Sierra Leone is screwed, especially if UK and the EU too impose sanctions. We will be in the worst economic straits ever . Right now, news of the U.S sanctions and foreign media press reports on the political standoff in the country will discourage investment, commerce and tourism. With coups popping up around us, who will invest money and resources in a country that is another candidate for a coup? But Bio and his tribal gang are not heeding the signs of impending doom.
Bio and supporters are too arrogant , pompous and full of the spirit of impunity to reason . They are also egoistic and narcissistic and think only about their narrow parochial interests. Look at the way the economy has spun out of Bio’s control. If you buy one bag of rice Le 800, 000 and one lobe of onion Le10, 000 , how do you eat ? How do you feed a family of three or four ? It is a miracle that starvation has not started killing people in that country. And now petrol is Le .30, 000 per liter . Petrol prices control market factors like the pricing of basic commodities and the importation of foodstuffs . If the Leone has been rendered useless by this same gang of incompetents, while fuel price is so high and will affect the costs of all basic commodities, how does this government expect business people and traders to import food in the country ?
Is this not a recipe for scarcity of food and basic items ? Bio has to rethink and stop listening to the crazed extremists passing as supporters and advisers. They are leading him to perdition. Bio must do what America and the EU are demanding subtly—- Nullify the bogus elections results, arrest Mohamed Konneh and other hoodlums who brought this shame on us and order a rerun of the elections.
Do not take down our nation with you, Mr. President. You will not win this war with the international community. Sierra Leone depends on them for almost everything. Without them, our country will be like the foolish cockroach that entered the palm oil bottle. We will perish. You do not want that legacy of the president who plunged our country into total economic collapse and possible anarchy and another war.
Sierra Leoneans are patient now but wey kondo begin eat in mama, there will be utter chaos.
Humble yourself, Mr. President and cooperate with the international community . Many of your extremist advisers are two- sim holders and will run away when disaster strikes, though we will go after them if they come to hide here ( You can be sure of that ) . We will chase them even if they hide in their mother’s wombs. Stop listening to bad and ignorant advisers. They do not mean good for you. They are only after the gravy and sweets around you. . Start saving your legacy by humbling yourself and surrendering to the international community. There is no ignominy in being humble and accepting that you erred. Save yourself and our country before it is too late, Retired Brig. Bio. You will not win this war. America will whup you eventually and even arrest you and put you on trial. Admit that you stole the June 24 elections and order a rerun. YOU ARE IN A LOSE-LOSE SITUATION.
A word for the wise is sufficient.