By Kabs Kanu
A new breath of fresh air all over the world , as Joe Biden was declared winner of the U.S Presidential elections last Saturday , defeating President Donald Trump, the American anathema that became the world’s nightmare.
The blue wave that has ended in Biden’s victory is indeed a repudiation of President Donald Trump . He lost with such overwhelming numberand authoritative manner that it will be difficult to conjure any litigation that will change the story. Joe Biden is America’s next President.

Power does not really last, it has been demonstrated once again and Trump will learn many lessons, the most important being that when you have power you must learn to be good to the people who gave it to you. . Donald Trump is the loneliest man today and his vindictiveness to the poor, the alien, the sick, the disadvantaged and the oppressed will weigh heavily on his mind.
In refusing to accept the result and planning to undermine the American electoral process and democratic values, President Trump and Republicans are setting a very bad and dangerous precedent that countries with fragile democracies might adopt as normImagine what a serial despot like Sierra Leone’s President Maada Bio would be thinking now. To men of debased minds like Bio, if the so-called Super Power of the world can do it, it may be alright after all. America must be ashamed to set such a shameful precedent.
With Joe Biden continuing to get more votes and increasing his numbers, except in Arizona, it is becoming increasingly impossible for a recount to make any difference, further jettisoning Trump’s hopes of overturning the results.
Recounts will flip only a few hundred votes and will not change any outcome and these coconut heads in America know that . The military will have to storm the White House to escort ex-President Trump out as everybody predicted before.
The Supreme Court will only take a case if it believes that a recount will involve such a significant number of votes that it would change the outcome . The irregularities have to be also very widespread and the tally within range of change.
Trump and the Republicans are fully aware of this fact and their last ditch stand is only an act of petulance.
Even as American and the world are jubilating, the behavior of the outgoing president is harming this country. With Trump’s behavior, the U.S has lost the moral authority to be the world’s vanguard of democracy and good governance. Trump is making America the laughing stock of the world and America can no longer posture or dictate to Africa. and third world countries .
If Trump refuses to leave the White House as had been suspected all along and as his utterances suggest, he will present the U.S with a quagmire of epic proportions.
The U.S. constitution has no provision for dealing with a president who refuses to hand over and quit the White House. There are no precedents even in law for dealing with the situation. It is a difficult constitutional conundrum.
Donald Trump is a reflection of the new politically sick and depraved American society . And the precedent he has set is going to be followed by psychotics around the world like Maada Bio in Sierra Leone . Trump will hurt the cause of democracy all over the world.
What is happening in America is a recipe for chaos around the world. Despotic governments are being emboldened to ditch elections as a democratic means to transfer power.
The independent organs of state (the Military, secret Service, CIA, FBI and all White House staff) are not obliged to obey Trump after January 20, 2021 once the electoral college has certified the results and Biden has been inaugurated.
Even more troubling : The Secretary of State is the face of American diplomacy and foreign policy. around the world. When Mike Pompeo shamelessly talks about a safe transition to Trump’s second term as if America has not had an election or a president-elect, what values is he projecting to the world. The Republicans seem to have lost their minds.
The world has become more and more complicated with a superpower only in name. If anything goes wrong anywhere in the world, who will try to mediate or intervene from a moralistic edge when America too has become a dictatorship ?