*The following list highlights appointments made during the President Ernest Koroma administration, all from the Southeast, aimed at executing the agenda for prosperity and fostering national cohesion.👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿*Today, under President Maada Bio, Northwesterners are not considered for appointments in the SLPP Government—The most tribalistic in the history of the country.
*1) Mr Victor Foe*….*Vice President*
*2)Moijoi Kaikai*….Minister of Gender and Children’s affairs &Resident Minister
*3)JB Dauda*….internal affairs minister
*4)Mustapha Bai Attila*….Deputy minister of gender and children affairs
*5)Arrow Bockarie*…Deputy Minister of Justice
*6)Hindolo Tryre*…minister of tourism and cultural affairs.
*7) Musa Tarawalie*…Resident minister South
*8)Dennis Sandi*…minister of lands
*9)William Juana Smith*…Resident minister East
*10) Vandi Chidi Minah*…Minister of Transportation & later Permanent Representative at UN
*11)Steven Gaojia*—-Min of Social Welfare and later Coordinator Ebola Response
*12) Dr Moses Moisa Kapu*…..minister of marine resources
*13)Charles Rogers*..Deputy minister fisheries and marine resources
*14)Foday Sawi*…..Deputy minister of health
*15)Maya Kaikai*….minister of local govt
*16)Momoh Vandi*…Deputy Minister Finance and economic planning.
*17)The current financial secretary *Sahr Jusu* *was APC head of budget services*
*18)Mathew Dingie* was head of procurement at the ministry of health,
*19)Dr Sarah Bendu* … head of SLRA,
*20)maada’s cousin was head of department at water 💦 Quaq*
*23) Sidi Yaya Tunis*….Minister of Tourism
*25)Syl Gobba*…..Deputy Minister of Tourism and Culture
*26) John Saad*……Minister of Works Housing and infrastructure
*27) Momodu Maligie*….Water Resources
*28)Osmond Hanciles*…Deputy Min II of Energy in charge of Distribution and Supply
*29) Ismael Sengu Koroma*, …Former SLPP Presidential aspirants But was Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs & Deputy Minister of Energy
*30) Ambassador Vandy Minah*, Deputy Min of Foreign Affairs
*31) Dr. Lansana Nyalley*….Deputy Min of Education II
*32) Dr. Algassimu Jah*…Deputy Min of Education 1
*33) Ambassador Sulay Daramy*
*34) Ambassador Andrew Bangalie*
*35) Dr. Komba Kono*… Min of State , Office of the Vice President
*36) Mohamed Benson Suwu*
*37) Richard Moigbe*….Former Inspector General of Police
*38) Sulay Mannah Kpukumu**( State Chief of Protocol)*
* 41) Daniel Gaima*…Dept Min Lands and Country Planning
*42) Dr Sheku Tejan Koroma*…..Minister of Health
*43) Dr Dennis Sandy *Min of Social Welfare
44) *Omrie Golley…..Ambassador to South Korea*
45) Munda Rogers ….Director of SLRA
All these known paopas worked in the EBK govt as ministers, deputy ministers and heads of parastatals but none of them was never invited for the COIs or ACC. *WHY’S THAT?*