By Thomas Dixon
At a National Conference to Mobilize Civil Society Towards A Genuine Electoral Reforms, Peace and National Cohesion in Sierra Leone #USAmbassadorHunt has said that neither @ECsalone nor the political parties-#SLPP and #APC provided evidence of the #2023 Election Result which is still a scar in democratic conscience of Sierra Leone.
#AmbassadorHunt noted that the #TripartiteCommittee was far from perfect as there was no civil society involvement in it, pointing out that the formation of the #Tripartite was politically compromised.
He revealed that the county has been facing electoral challenges since the end of the war as the recommendations from the #Tripartite are identical from 2002-2023, calling for an urgent political reforms that will involve the participation of citizens.
It’s a shame that an electoral body cannot provide evidence of result of the elections it connected- Shamefully Shameful!!!
@USEmbFreetown @ecowas_cedeao @MKKonnehECSL @EUinSierraLeone @CarterCenter @PresidentBio @samurakamara201
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