Saturday May 13, 2006 First_Name: Pa I have been following Hasim’s writing.His criticism of Kabbah and Berewa and indeed the SLPP did not start after the Makeni convention as Foday suggests. What disturbs me with Foday’s argument is that he has no argument to make.Is Sir Albert Margai the father of Charles Margai a candidate in the forth coming elections? I have not at anytime read anywhere Hashim made an attack on the parents of Kabbah and Berewa.To attacak Charles, his perssonality or his record is fair game. But to bring the name of his father into the game is nothing but dirty politics. That is indefenssible. What ever happens to our African traditon of I am not trying to get into a family fued but Foday you crossed the line here.You and the candidate you are supporting should be descent enough to appologize to the Margai family.Foday, if Sir Albert left the country in a mess you can just look around the Hill station Lodge and you’ll find at least one person there who helped him destroy our country. I don’t know how old you are but have you ever heard of “Arata eat more than ten thousand bags of rice”? when somebody you and I know was permanent secretary at the Ministry Of Trade and Industry under whose charge that happened? I am not defending Cahrles here but it just beats me that you can come so low in the name of politics as to punish a son for his father’s “sins”.Suppose somebody else punishes you for what ever your father might have done? STORMY SESSIONS AWAITS SLPP DELEGATION IN NEW JERSEY Thursday May 4, 2006 The high-powered eight-man SLPP Delegation from Sierra Leone will be walking right into a landmine when they hit New Jersey next week. Unless some officials of the party climb down from present controversial standpoints, the delegation’s sessions with the New Jersey Branch will be stormy, according to our reporter last night. READ WHAT OUR REPORTER WROTE On May 13, 2006 the newly elected executive of the SLPP New Jersey Chapter will host a general meeting involving the Eight Member Delegation from Sierra Leone. Angry calls from across the US have expressed disappointment at the New Jersey Secretary General, Mr. Brima Alpha, for declaring in a letter that the meeting of May 13th. is a Convention for SLPP branches in the USA. The perception is that if a Convention is held, it may lead to National Executive Elections, and this does not auger well for many callers who believe that disfunctional branches and others plagued by disputes, must first be resolved and rejuvinated prior to national elections , if a respectful and trusting National Executive must exist. If that does not happen chaos and bitterness would reign, and sadly, the May 13 meeting may end in a stormy session. According to Mr. Lebbie “Mr. Saffa is too smart to suddenly force an election on the US SLPP Chapters without first settling differences as he has successfully done in Washington, DC.He he resents failure and would not force his will on others” The May 13, 2006 meeting is scheduled to be held at: The New Jersey Chinese Community Center, 17 School House Road,Somerset, NJ 08873.( Telephone # 732-377-0011). The New Jersey Branch is one of the crisis-plagued chapters of the SLPP and it will be quite a feat if the delegation successfully navigates the choppy waters and achieve something positive from their meetings with the Branch.
Monday March 30, 2006
My Dear Friends,
Many of you may know that after hours of a cowardly and testosterone driven escape from Nigeria, Charles Taylor arrived in Freetown today, awaiting trial for his contribution to the destruction of Sierra Leone, which began in 1991. What we may not yet see, is that what is intended to be a “fair” legal process for prosecution, may turn into another season of instability for Sierra Leone. This man still has massive amounts of influence and support in Liberia, anything could reach that capital (Freetown) even by road. It was this that Liberia’s President feared and decided to move him on to Freetown. We all have family, blood, and life still existing in that country, and we want our children to know “home.” Many of us lost dear ones in that decade war, and those that remain are still trying to lift themselves up from the ground. Our leaders and doing bad enough, and adding the drama of Taylor will only further jeopardize our chances for restoration. I said this prayer for Sierra Leone tonight, and I was LEAD to pass it along to all I know, that we might all pray together, in agreement, for peace and re-stabilization of Sierra Leone. May God bless Sierra Leone and all her children at home and abroad.
Alphina Dumbuya Child and Friend of Sierra Leone Miss Sierra Leone, USA 2001
Heavenly Father in the mighty and constant name of Jesus Christ I thank you for Sierra Leone I thank you for choosing me to be a descendant of this Lion’s Mountain I thank you for calling me to have a heart of concern for this nation Lord you know our plight, save our home Let your hand be upon Sierra Leone to uproot and filter out the work of the devil I come against every force of the enemy attempting to resurrect instability to Sierra Leone Lord you are the unchangeable changer of things…change the story of Sierra Leone that we might have something to tell our children, that we might have a history of praise to tell And at the end of it all we might have full cause to glorify you Father I thank you for collapsing time for Sierra Leone Let there be swift justice for those that have oppressed that nation Their efforts for continued confusion are cancelled now in the name of Jesus Wherever they gather to plot and destroy, there shall they be destroyed and scattered Let everything that was lost be returned 100 fold to Sierra Leone Every dry bone shall be resurrected Every tree that you have not planted will be uprooted and destroyed Every home that was broken will be rebuilt emotionally, mentally, and physically Father I pray for peace that surpasses all understanding for Sierra Leone As the world watches and times another season of destruction, I thank and praise you in advance for surprising the enemy at their camp Father bless the leaders of Sierra Leone for this hour That their eyes may be open to do what is right in your sight Bless them with wisdom That they may not be swayed by what man can give But that we will all be confident that you’ve already won the battle for Sierra Leone Father thank you for building up new and faithful leaders for Sierra Leone Wherever we are all over the world our concerns, prayers, and efforts shall be heard Father favor this nation in the eyes of every European judge and lawyer presiding I believe therefore I speak, that the glory of this latter house shall be greater than that of the former Those misplaced shall return in grace Those of us who immigrated will return more dedicated To the “lion’s mountain” many have rejected A land, my home, which you selected
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4858692.stm = Handing Over Charles Taylor: It’s Time JURIST Guest Columnist David Crane, former Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, now at Syracuse University College of Law, says it’s time for Nigeria to hand over former Liberian president Charles Taylor for trial on war crimes charges… A little over three years ago, on 3 March 2003, I signed the international indictment of President Charles G. Taylor of Liberia for 17 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity while serving as Chief Prosecutor of the international war crimes tribunal in West Africa, called the Special Court for Sierra Leone. I sealed that indictment, awaiting the appropriate time to unseal it. I did so, on 4 June 2003, as Charles Taylor arrived in Accra, Ghana to allegedly begin the peace process to end the Liberian civil war. The unsealing of his indictment was a carefully laid plan to humble Africa’s most powerful warlord before the law and to bring world attention to this African leader who destroyed two West African nations, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and was individually criminally liable for the murder, rape, maiming, and mutilation of over a million human beings. The unsealing was also necessary to ensure that a legitimate peace process began in Accra, not a flawed series of dialogs with an indicted war criminal. With the stroke of my pen, the rule of law was shown to be more powerful than the rule of the gun. There was dancing in the streets of Sierra Leone that day. Though appropriately warned, the international community was not ready to see this head of state, only the second in history behind Slobodan Milosevic, and the first African head of state to be indicted for war crimes at the international level, turned over to an international tribunal they created to prosecute those who bore the greatest responsibility for the atrocities that took place in Sierra Leone during the ten-year long civil war in the 1990’s. Scrambling, the United States, Great Britain, the United Nations, and Nigeria entered into an agreement to put Taylor aside in Calabar, Nigeria while a peace took hold in Liberia. It has been two and a half years now since Taylor left Liberia, stripped of his political power by the indictment. He sits brooding, yet still meddling, in Nigeria. To date, despite tremendous international pressure, and a request by the new Liberian President, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to hand Taylor over to the Special Court for Sierra Leone, President Obasanjo of Nigeria has refused to do so, saying it is not time, that peace needs to take hold in Liberia before it can be done. Obasanjo is in violation of both international and Nigerian domestic law in holding Taylor. He continues to defy the international arrest warrant. He should be brought to task for this. It is now time. There will be no peace in Liberia until Taylor is handed over to the tribunal in Freetown, Sierra Leone for a fair trial on the 17 count indictment. Taylor swore to the people of West Africa that he would be back, “God willing”. This statement sent a chill through all of us. We knew he meant it, and because of this statement a true peace in Liberia will never take hold; millions of US dollars will go for naught. Even a large peacekeeping force in Liberia will not be sufficient, as they will not be able to remain there forever. Taylor is young and patient. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He will wait and when the world has moved on to another crisis he will make his move and return to Monrovia, the capital. What will happen after that is too horrific to contemplate. Taylor is well placed politically to return. He has meddled in the election process that saw President Johnson-Sirleaf elected as the first female president of any African state, by ensuring that he controls the legislature. Many leaders in that legislature are old Taylor cronies, some indictable war criminals. Even his wife has been elected a senator. Most politicians in Liberia are looking over their shoulders, as are business leaders and civil society, knowing that if they commit to the new president they could be jeopardizing their lives should Taylor return. An armed group in Taylor’s home county of Lofa stands ready, on Taylor’s orders, to move on Monrovia when the peacekeepers leave. To end this possibility and fear in Liberia, Taylor needs to be handed over to the Special Court for Sierra Leone. It is that simple. By doing so he will be carved out of Liberian politics, his supporters no longer having a rallying point, and the new government can look forward, not back, to start solving Liberia’s massive internal problems. Last week, while in the United States, Liberian President Johnson-Sirleaf did publicly acknowledge that Taylor needed to be handed over so that justice could run its course, and she called on Nigeria to do just that. Before a cheering joint session of Congress, she pledged that Liberia would be a democratic success in West Africa. Next week President Obasanjo will visit the United States. It is hoped by then he will have an announcement to make related to Taylor and his hand over. It is now time, President Obasanjo, time for justice to begin in West Africa. David M. Crane is a distinguished visiting professor of law at Syracuse University College of Law and formerly the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
First_Name: mohamed Thursday March 9, 2006 Email_Address: [email protected] College workers go nationwide strike By Chernor Ojuku Sesay
Wednesday March 1, 2006
Intermediate and junior workers of all colleges in
The President of the workers, Haroun Korji confirmed to this correpondent in a telephone interview that, the 21 days strike notice they had issued to the government expireed on Monday, February 27th and that once the strike starts they will not call it off until their monies are paid in full. “Their usual habit is they promise to pay when they (government) smell a crisis in the making”, said one aggrieved college worker. “We have been fooled for so long with all sorts of assurances from the Ministry of Education officials. And yes, we can no longer stomach it. We need our monies now, today, otherwise no work!” he threatened.
The Education, Science and Technology Minister, Dr. Alpha T. Wurie who attended the convocation ceremony of 800 graduates at the Njala University College in Bo over the weekend, in a telephone interview said that, the colleges are an autonomous bodies. “I don’t know about junior workers. We give subventions to the colleges. They employ their junior workers in accordance with their allocations. They employ those they are capable of paying. That’s not our business,” Dr. Wurie said.
However, in a joint letter written by the principals of Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCE&T), Northern Polytechnic, Eastern Polytechnic, Freetown Teachers’ College and Port Loko Teachers’ College, they stated that it is the government that is responsible for the payment of the backlog salaries of about 1,200 workers, as the subvention given to colleges is insufficient to pay these workers.
The principals warned in that letter to the Minister of Education which was copied to all the relevant authorities that, if the intermediate and junior workers of the colleges are allowed to go on their proposed strike, the entire college operations will be disrupted US Ambassador speaks on National DayBy Chernor Ojuku SesayFriday February 24, 2006Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Honorable speaks of Parliament, Mr. Lord Chief Justice, Your Worship the Mayor, other Honorable Ministers, members of Parliament, Excellencies and other members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:
“I would like to welcome you to the American Embassy’s national day reception.”
“Many of you ask why we hold this event in February instead of on our country’s birthday, the 4th of July, when the declaration of Independence set forth the democratic principles that have guided the United States of America for nearly 230 years. The answer is simple: it rains in July in Freetown, and we do not have sufficiently large space to accommodate all of our friends in July. Like many other America Embassies in tropical countries, we elect to associate our national day with our President’s Day holiday in February in order to hold our reception outdoors with more quests. 2006 will be a significant transitional year for the American Embassy. We will relocate to our new chancery near Leicester Peak later this year. Soon thereafter, we will resume visa operations that were “temporarily” relocated to Conakry nine years ago. I expect the relocation will also allow us to resume observance of our national day on July 4th next year because we will have sufficient space to celebrate inside the new chancery.”
“As we focus on internal changes for the American Embassy, I am mindful that 2006 is also an important transitional year for the country around us. Sierra Leone entered a new era on the 1st of January with the departure of the UNAMSIL peacekeepers who established the tranquility that the country now enjoys. That departure was also recognition by the international community that Sierra Leone can stand on its own.” Gov’t To Open 10 More Rural Banks By Chernor Ojuku Sesay
Thursday February 16, 2006
The Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone, Dr. James D. Rogers has disclosed that 10 (ten) more Community Banks will be opened before the end of 2008 to add to the existing ones. Dr. Rogers said it is pathetic that Sierra Leone, with a population of 5m (five million) people has only about160,000 people with bank accounts. ” This is unacceptable at this present age of our economy”, he emphasised.
Dr. Rogers said that with the setting up of Community Banks, they will help and encourage the rural population to keep their monies in the banks as there are so many advantages when one keeps money in the bank. “Very shortly, the people of Kabala will have a rural bank and that will help our cattle rearing brothers and vegetable growing women to keep their monies safely rather in a bank rather than burying their monies in the ground or tying them around theit waists”, Dr. Rogers said.
Dr. Rogers further boasted that since he assumed the post of Bank Governor almost three years ago, the country’s reserve has risen from $ 40m (forty million US Dollars) to $150m (one hundred and fifty million US Dollars). He said that, our embassies and commissions all over the world, no longer owe rent or salary arrears and added that the government has met all its financial obligations to international bodies like the AU, ECOWAS, Commonwealth etc. ” We need to be commended at least with a round of applause if not with the hands but with the tongues”, he stated. CHIEF HINGA NORMAN ENDS TESTIMONY AT SPECIAL COURT
Tuesday February 7, 2006
Chief Sam Hinga Norman today concluded his second and final week of testimony before the so-called special court for Sierra Leone. Led in evidence by Counsel for Dr. Alieu Kondewa, Charles Francis Margai, Norman left no douubt that it was his friend and Commander-in-Chief, President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, who set the stage for Norman’s arrest and detention on 10 March, 2003.
Based on what we are able to gather from Chief Norman’s testimony, President Kabbah made sure prior to Norman’s arrest, that Norman was present in his office before a convoy of police vehicles arrived to place him under arrest. The repeated denials of colusion between the court and the government and Kabbah in particylar notwithstanding, it is now abundantly clear that the President and the court worked hand-in-hand to arrest and humiliate Mr. Norman for Kabbah’s political objectives.
The motive, based on Mr. Norman’s testimony, was that Kabbah was fully intent on removing both Norman and former Vice President, Dr. Albert Joe Demby, from the political scene prior to the 2007 election. Norman, we are told, was vehemently opposed to the President replacing Demby with heir apparent, Solomon Berewa. Chief Norman seemed to intimate that the 1997 coup and other military endeavours were clearly manipulated by Kabbah in order to place both Norman and Demby in harm’s way. One recalls that Norman was attacked by the AFRC in June 1994 while Regent Chief of Jaiama-Bongor and presumed killed by the rebels. His home town of Mongere in the Valunia Chiefdom was virtually wiped off the map. Demby’s home town of Gerehun in the Baoma Chiefdom north of Bo was similarly demolished, and sadly enough, Dr. Demby’s father, Paramount Chief Albert Demby, was assassinated in front of his wives and children by the rebels. Following his appointment as regent Chief by the NPRC, Norman and Demby agreed to organize the Kamajors which later joined with other regional militias to form the Civil Defence Force.
After dropping Demby from the presidential ticket in 2002, Kabbah apparently still considered Norman the major obstacle to Berewa’s succession. The constant dissension and bickering between Kabbah and Norman during the war resulted in thousands of lives lost in Tongo, Bo and Freetown as a result of Kabbah’s refusal to arm the CDF to defend those areas for fear that Norman would use those weapons to overthrow Kabbah’s government. Kabbah’s futile attempts to rid of Norman first by trying send him to Nigeria as High Commissioner against Norman’s will, then to replace him as National Coordinator of the CDF in 1999 are part of the greatest targedies of the rivalry between these two men.
Despite the characterization of the UN-backed tribunal as independent and non-political, no one with any objective integrity will now doubt that what this trial is about – a political charade ochestrated by Mr. Kabbah to level the playing field for his annointed successor. The court’s bending over backwards to accommodate Kabbah’s ill-advised refusal to appear as a witness for the defence places the court at the center of Sierra Leone’s corrupt and disfunctional politics.
Following Chief Norman’s testimony today, former UK High Commissioner, Kumrabai Peter Penfold, takes the witness stand on Wednesday as Defence Witness No.2. Until the issue regarding so-called subpoena ad testificandum requiring the President to testify is resolved, former VP, Albert Joe Demby, will follow Peter Penfold as defence Witness No. 3.
Alfred M. SamForay, CDF Defence Fund
Muslims Angry At Kabbah & Acha By Chernor Ojuku Sesay
Wednesday January 18, 2006
Last Friday was observed by many Muslims as a day for them to express their anger at President Kabbah and Inspector General of Police Brima Acha Kamara, for allowing the Eastern Paddle masked devil to come out on the feast of Eid-ul-Adha which is the biggest Pray Day in the Islamic Calendar.
According to information gathered within the city of Freetown, almost all Muslims (Imams as well as their congregations) expressed their anger over this issue. They argued that if the holiday is for them (Muslims), then President Kabbah and the IG were not supposed to have given their consent without first consulting them (Muslims). “It was unammously agreed with the authorities that, they should not allow any masked devil to come out on our Holy Day” Alhaji Swarray said. A source close to Police headquarters said that, the IG contacted his assistant IGs over whether or not to grant the Eastern Paddle masked devil the permission to go ahead on the day in question, which coincided with the funeral of the late Deborah Berewa, wife of Vice President Solomon Berewa who was laid to rest at the Ascension Town Cemetary as well as coinciding with Eid-Ul-Adha. The source revealed that, the Police authorities said “as long as the Eastern Paddle is in the east end and the funeral service is in the west end, let the Paddle go ahead”. “Why they did not wait for the New Year, which is a general holiday, but prefered to use our Holy day to allow a devil to come out is a mystery and a sin” many Muslims said. “The Arabic word ?Eid’ means happiness, rejoicing or recurring joy. Ada means sacrifice against evil. So for our nation Sierra Leone to rise to glory it needs a lot of sacrifice against evil, that is what we did, but the authorities allowed evil to come out and stain our sacrifice which is very bad”, Imam Mohamed Jalloh said.
Muslims further said that they now know that, the authorities are not acting for the general populace, but for their selfish desires. “We want them to re-think and we totally condemn the action of the President and the IG” they added. ‘GOD WILL FILL THE VOID THAT HAS BEEN LEFT BY MAMA’ : BEREWA’S SON PREACHES AT MOTHER’S FUNERAL Wednesaday January 11, 2005 There were lots of tears to go around at the Our Lady Star Of The Sea Church in Juba yesterday as the son of Vice-President Solomon Berewa , who is a priest, preached at his mother’s funeral. .The funeral homily evoked tears when Rev. Father Augustine Berewa told the jampacked mourning congregation :” It is really difficult for me. I will never forget Mama. She was a quiet person but says a lot by her actions. God gave us Mama and surely that same God will take care of that vaccum that has been created by Mama” .Father Berewa , who moved the mourners , said : “it is easy to tell people to have faith and hope in Christ but it is not easy to tell yourself such words when you are in grief. Something personal has gone off me today” . Mrs . Berewa died in the United States on Saturday December 17, 2005 after she collapsed at the Atlanta International Airport while on her way to board a plane for Sierra Leone to join her husband and other family for the Christmas holidays. She had spent four months with her two children in Atlanta. According to reports, Mrs. Berewa suffered a massive heart attack. The funeral service at the Our Lady Star of the Sea Church was packed to capacity yesterday by family, the President, Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, ministers of the government , Sierra Leone People Party officials in the party’s colours , women’s organizations and distinguished personalities from all walks of life.
‘BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER ‘ First_Name: Munda Friday January 6, 2006 As a Sierra Leonean I feel Saidu’ Bangura’s pain. It is unfortunate that he is advising thieves against taking their spoils. If you look at the SLPP today it is the same people your generation fought against to save the Sierra Leone form. SIERRA LEONE REMAINS ELIGIBLE FOR TRADE PREFERENCES UNDER U.S. AGOA PROGRAM Friday December 23, 2005 Sierra Leone has maintained her eligibility for for trade preferences under the African Growth and Opportunity Act ( AGOA ). This was disclosed by U.S . President George W. Bush jr yesterday in his yearly review of the program. The program seeks to promote the U.S government’s commitment to trade liberalization in order to enhance Hope, opportunity and prosperity in both developed and developing countries by removing barriers to trade and investment. Annually, the list of countries who enjoy this eligibility is reviewed as required by legislation, according to a White House release today. Countries are kept on the list, added or deleted based on “Their progress toward a market-based economy , the rule of law, free trade, economic policies that reduce poverty and protection of workers’ rights “. While Sierra Leoneans continue to complain about the dismal performance of the government, it appears as if the Tejan Kabbah administration is doing things that are delighting stakeholders, donor agencies and the International community. MMCET admits 1,513 studentsBy Chernor Ojuku Sesay
Wednesday December 14 , 2005
A total of 1,513 students were over the weekend officially admitted at the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCET) at a special matriculation ceremony at the Amphitheatre grounds within the college campus.
Speaking at the ceremony, the MMCET Principal, Dr. Dennis Kargbo congratulated the Matriculants for their successful performance that qualifies them to enter the college. He boasted that due to the hardwork of the college lecturers and the students, the institution last year received the AWOL Annual Award as the Best Tertiary Institution in Sierra Leone.
He disclosed that the institution had over the years improved on its teacher training certificate at the same time transformed to become the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology. Dr. Kargbo told his audience that plans are now being cemented to create the Department of BSC Ed, Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics by the new 2006 academic year. APC LEADER CONDEMNS CHARLES MARGAI’S ARREST
By Chernor Ojuku Sesay
Thursday December 8, 2005
Opposition leader in Parliament and leader of the APC, Hon Ernest Bai Koroma outrightly condemned the arrest of Charles Margai, an act he described as politically motivated. He warned the police to remain neutral in their execution of duties and cited instances when the APC supporters were prevented from holding a meeting in Segbewema and the police could not effect any arrest despite the official report simply because it involved SLPP supporters.
Hon. Koroma added that Margai was charged under the 1965 Public Order Act which he described as obnoxious and said most of the charges are duplicated. He added the APC will come out with a position statement on the Margai arrest. He said such a practice must not be encouraged at this present time when both the peace and democracy in the country are still fragile and the UNAMSIL forces will be leaving the shores of this country on 31st December this year
Meanwhile , supporters of the APC in Freetown were heard yesterday assuring supporters of Margai ‘s party, the PMDC, that they will provide total support for them and will join them when they decide to demonstrate against the treatment of Mr. Margai by the government.
Margai to be charged soon INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE DERIDES TALK ABOUT TREASON CHARGE Wednesday December 7, 2005 The Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police, Mr. Brima Acha Kamara yesterday confirmed to COCORIOKO that People’s Movement For Democratic Change ( PNDC) Leader , Charles Margai, will soon be charged to court for the incident in Bo when his supporters allegedly prevented the Vice-President Solomon Berewa from entering the Christ The King’s College ( CKC ) campus. In an exclusive interview with this newspaper last night, Mr. Kamara said the Police was awaiting legal advice frpom the Director of Public Prosecution ( DPP ) . The Inspector General however laughed to scorn suggestions by Margai’s supporters that the government was planning to charge Margai with Treason. Though the I-G said he did not know the nature of the charges that would be levied against Margai , he was not sure that they would include Treason. He emphasized however that everything depended on the decision of the DPP Mr. Kamara could not confirm reports by some newspapers in Freetown that both Messrs Solomon Berewa and Charles Margai gate-crashed the CKC Prize-Giving ceremony ( Were not invited) .He stated that the issue now was not whether both men were invited. The important thing, he said, was that a serious breach of the peace was committed. Asked by COCORIOKO what measures the Police had in store next time to avoid such a breach of the peace in the light of suggestions that there was a security lapse in Bo, Mr. Kamara also derided such statements, asserting that there was security but he added that if people wanted to disturb the peace, they will go ahead and do it, whether security was tight or not. J.S Keifala dragged to CID By Chernor Ojuku Sesay , Cocorioko Correspondent in Freetown Monday November 7, 2005 The accusations of political witch-hunting and victimisation by the Vice President Solomon Berewa camp allegedly against individuals who supported other candidates in the SLPP convention held in Makeni seems to go unabated.
One individual whois alleged to have become the prime target is the Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Road Transport Authority (SLRTA), Joseph S. Keifala , who was alleged to have supported the candidacy of J.B. Dauda, the former Finance Minister who was also sacked after the convention.
Last week Friday, November 4th, J.S. Keifala was dragged to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and was subjected to rigorous questioning in SLRTA Audited Report for the year 1997/98. At the end of the questioning which lasted for hours, Keifala was released but was informed by CID personnel that he will be charged to court.
According to investigations, the 1997/98 SLRTA Audited Report found two people quilty of financial misappropriation namely, Edward Lappia, a Vehicle Examiner in Bo who appropriated Le 5m (five million leone) and one Amadu Sankoh, the then Head of Finance at the SLRTA.
Edward Lappia was reprimanded by the RTA Board and he refunded the money and later dismissed. Amadu Sankoh escaped to the United States of America before his apprehension but was later sacked. The Finance Parliamentary Committee which is charged with the responsibility to investigate such matters had carried its investigations and was satisfied with the dealings at the RTA. “It is therefore really baffling for such matters which had long been investigated and the culprits reprimanded for them to be reawaken after seven years. This is a real political witch hunting which will not angur well for the SLPP especially in the Eastern District headquarter town of Kenema where both J.B. Dauda and J.S. Keifala came from”, remarked an angry worker at SLRTA.
COCORIOKO IS INVESTIGATING THE ALLEGATIONS. SOME CONCERNED CITIZENS WARN ABOUT CONSEQUENCES OF ANOTHER BUNGLED ELECTIONS IN LIBERIA Tuesday November 15, 2005 Though international observers have declared that the November 8 runoffs were free and fair, some concerned citizens have warned that another bungled election in Liberia will not augur well for peace and stability in the country. They have asked international stakeholders to thorougly investigate claims by the leader of the Campaign for Democratic Change ( CDC ) , Mr. George Oppong Weah, that there were widespread irregularities during the elections. According to our reporter in Monrovia, Jlateh Doe , the Liberians warned that some of Liberia’s troubles in the past.stemmed from rigged elections .They recalled the 1985 Presidential Elections that was marked by fraud and led to the declaration of Samuel K.Doe as President over his rival, Jackson F . Doe , who was believed to have been the real winner. Shortly after the election, the late General Thomas Quiwonkpa staged the short-lived November 12, 1985 coup that Doe overturned later on the same day . The reprisals from this foiled coup which saw Doe’s soldiers killing the citizens of Nimba enmasse led to the creation of the National Patriotic Front ( NPFL) and Charles Taylor ,who invaded the country on December 24, 1989 and sparked the 14-year civil war which killed over 200,000 people. The concerned citizens also recalled the 1998 elections that brought Charles Taylor to power as President , which was disputed and led to the second round of the civil war . The concerned citizens told Jlateh Doe that though nobody wanted war any more in Liberia, Weah’s complaints should not be swept under the carpet . They called for a thorough investigation that will be satisfying to all parties and remove all doubts about the alleged fraud and irregularities being claimed by the Weah camp. There are rumours in some circles in Liberia that some Western powers supported Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and thus helped to stage-manage the elections. These allegations have been refuted by the Johnson-Sirleaf camp who are asserting that the elections were transparent, free and fair. The U.S .Embassy in Liberia has also said that it was neutral during the process and supported no particular candidate. Meanwhile, Jlateh Doe reported also yesterday that religious leaders, civic organizations, marketwomen and some well-placed citizens have started putting pressure on George Oppong Weah to accept the results in the interest of peace and stability in the nation. It is not known whether Weah and his supporters will heed this appeal.
Friday October 28, 2005
By Chernor Ojuku-Sesay : COCORIOKO reporter in Freetown
All is not well between the opposition dominated Freetown City Council and the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development.
Last week, before leaving for an official visit to the City of Hall in the UK, the APC Mayor of the Freetown City Council, His Lordship Winstanley Bankole Johnson lambasted the government of politically sabotaging the FCC by slashing down the annual allocation to the Council.
“When the cleaning of the city was under the control of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, government was pumpingl a whooping Le 900m (Nine Hundred Million Leones) as the annual budget for the cleaning of the city. But immediately the APC won the mayorship of the city after the 2004 Local Council elections and the cleaning of the city was transferred to the FCC, the government decided to slash down the figure to a mere Le 426 m(Four Hundred and Twenty Six Million Leones) without any logistic. This is a complete sabotage. When the King of the Asante visited Bo during his recent visit to Sierra Leone, government provided the sum of Le300m (Three Hundred million leones) for the cleaning of the Bo township for only two days”, the Mayor stated.
The Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Sidique Brima argued that the FCC should not expect the government to provide the same amount as it was done when the cleaning was under the Youth and Sport ministry.
“The FCC is generating local revenue from city rates, market dues and other forms of city taxes. The Mayor is expected to use part of those funds to clean the city and not rely on government to provide everything“, Mr. Brima saud.
Mr. Brima added that if the Mayor fails to live up to his obligations, it will result to legal action as that is what democracy is all about.
Wednesday October 12, 2005
By Amadu Kamara
Some more members of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) have defected from the party. Their resignation comes in the wake of the contentious battle for leadership in the party which has already produced two offshots–The political parties to be formed by Chief Hinga Norman and Charles Margai’s, which has already been launched.
Some of the members told our reporter that they were resigning from the SLPP in solidarity with Hinga Norman and Charles Margai. Charles Margai announced his resignation from the SLPP last week.
The latest members to defect from the SLPP this week were : Dauda Tombo Bangura , one-time MP of the PDP Party, who later acted as chief patron of SLPP in the USA, Hon. Rebecca conteh, chairlady North; Vonjo Lamin ngogbeh, chairman, Kailahun west 2 ; Mohamed mallam Janneh, Young generation leader and Abubakarr Kamara, the Engineer , who along with John Leigh, J.B. Dauda, Margai and Marda Bio lost the SLPP presidential battle in Makeni last month ; Alex Kandeh , East district and Festus Kpukumu . In his letter of resignation to the SLPP chairman, Mohamed Mallam Janneh told the SLPP : “I cannot continue to die for a course others don’t believe in, and had been stabbing me at the back. Fifteen years of loyal service had been in vain as people including the core of the party don’t appreciate me.” For his part, Dauda Tombo wrote : “I am leaving the party because of the way the leadership convention in Makeni was conducted. “
The resignations could not disguise the fact that the SLPP was facing a deep crisis which could affect their chances of winning the 2007 General Elections. .
KOFI ANNAN AND UK’S BID TO BOOST CAPACITY OF SIERRA LEONE ARMY RECEIVE ACCLAIM Friday September 23, 2005 Sierra Leoneans have been commending bids by UN Secretary-General , Kofi Annan, and the government of the United Kingdom to boost the capacity of the Sierra Leone armed forces. The acclaim followed the delivery of 20 of 43 military trucks by the UK Armed Forces Minister , Mr. Adam Ingram , received on behalf of the army and the people of Sierra Leone , by the Deputy Minister of Defence, Joe Blell , at the Joint Force Command Headquarters at Cockerill Barracks on Wednesday. The aid package came as a result of an appeal by UN Sectretary General , Kofi Annan, to the UK government and Sierra Leone’s international friends to help build capacity for the Sierra Leone army , which was good for sustaining peace in the country. According to the UK Ministry of Defence website, the trucks are Mercedes Atego troop carrying vehicles ( TCVs ) and the package comes with a two-year maintenance and spare parts warranty . The trucks will be used to carry rice and fuel to units throughout the country. Visit the MOD Website http://www.news.mod.uk/news_headline_story2.asp?newsItem_id=3569 for a complete report and pictures . Sierra Leoneans contacted by COCORIOKO yesterday for comments about the aid to the army expressed extreme delight and commended Mr. Annan and the UK government. Many of them recalled the disgraceful state of the Sierra Leone army at the inception of the Charles Taylor /Foday Sankoh rebel invasion of the country in 1992, which was responsible for the gains of the rebels and the prolongation of the incursion. Though immediate post-colonial Sierra Leone had one of the best-trained and disciplined armies in West Africa under the command of the British officer, Brigadier David Blackie, and later Sierra Leonean Brigadier David Lansana, the army fell into hard times afterwards as a result of complete neglect and scorn by succeeding governments, especially the regime of President Siaka Stevens, who loathed the existence of a strong army for fear that it would overthrow him. Shaki not only removed their arms from them but he suppressed military training that would have built the army’s capacity and failed to provide logistics, including trucks. At the time of the 1992 rebel attack on Sierra Leone , the army was not only ill-equipped and using antiquated hand guns that allegedly overheated to the point that some soldiers confessed to journalists at that time that they had to urinate on them to cool them down, but lacked trucks and modern communication equipments to take the battle to the rebels. The soldiers had to trek on foot into dense jungles to confront the rebels who had firepower, modern arms and communication gadgets.The poor state of the army was one of the reasons that soldiers deserted and joined the rebels. It was the pitiful state of the Sierra Leone army that gave rebel kingpin, Charles Taylor , the audacity to issue foolish threats of taking Lungi Airport if it was used by ECOMOG as a base to launch attacks on his forces in Liberia. Sierra Leoneans expressed delight yesterday that with the strengthening of the army and the manner its apacity has been boosted, the armed forces of Sierra Leone would soon have the ability to crush all external attacks without help from foreign forces. Some of them however outlined the necessity for an air force . John Fomba of New York, who always provides sound analyses , said that Sierra Leone was blessed but it is disruptive elements holding power who have often frittered away the country’s blessings causing Sierra Leone to be counted among the poorest countries on earth, when infact she is one of the richest in mineral and human resources. He hoped that the government would strive to make use of all these assistance coming from Britain and the international community.
PROVEN ABILITY AND CHARACTER FOREMOST IN BEREWA’S CHOICE OF RUNNING MATE –Vice-President reveals Thursday September 15, 2005 The SLPP Leader-designate and Presidential candidate , Mr. Solomon Berewa, has revealed that proven ability and character would be foremost in the factors considered when the time comes to choose his running mate for the 2007 Presidential Elections. Mr. Berewa, who is also Vice-President , announced these criteria during an exclusive interview with the Editor of COCORIOKO, Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu. on Tuesday night. Mr. Berewa was responding specifically to a question from the Editor relating to suggestions being made in political circles that he will consider tribal balance when the time comes to choose his running mate for the 2007 Elections. While acknowledging the importance of maintaining a tribal balance, Vice-President Berewa noted that one does not just choose a running mate because he wanted tribal balance. The V-P said that though the question of tribal balance need to be emphasized there were even more important factors like proven ability and character. He stated that these two traits will be the foremost factors that will be considered in choosing his running mate. Many Sierra Leoneans have been fervently speculating Berewa’s running mate and some said that the SLPP will stand a bettter chance to win if the Vice-President’s running nates was chosen based on the essence of maintaining a tribal balance.
CDF Spokesman raises spectre of new party ? HINGA NORMAN RESPONSE IMMINENT Tuesday September 6, 2005 The Spokesman of Sierra Leone’s Civil Defence Force ( CDF ), Rev. Alfred SamForay , said yesterday that a response from the Hinga Norman camp to the results of the SLPP Delegates Convention last Sunday was imminent within the next 72 hours. Rev.Samforay, in many minds, has raised the spectre of another political party, by his statement that there is an alternative to SLPP Presidential nominee Solomon Berewa and the present SLPP government, though he was not specific. Samforay also made a startling statement that following the 2007 General Elections, the President will not be Berewa or the APC Presidential candidate , Ernest Koroma. Samforay said :”In the next seventy-two hours, the Campaign to Elect Sam Hinga Norman will unveil what Mr. Norman’s political advisers are calling a new and bold plan to unseat political syncophancy, abject corruption and the begger nation economics of our present government. We have seen the best the other sides can come up with and it is less than mediocre, at best. There is an alternative to Mr. Belewa and the Sierra Leone People’s Problem. And it is not necessarily the All People’s Congress with its saddistic political baggage. ” This statement has been interpreted by many people to mean that a new political party , which will be an alternative to Berewa and what Samforay referred to as the SIERRA LEONE PEOPLE’S PROBLEM. SAMFORAY’S RELEASE THE SIERRA LEONE PEOPLE’S PROBLEM From: <mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Re: THE SIERRA LEONE PEOPLE’S PROBLEM> Following the coronation of Party Leader for the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP), we are now absolutely convinced that following the May 2007 General Elections, the President of Sierra Leone will not be SLPP candidate, Solomon Belewa or APC Leader, Bai Koroma. The story is told in Lugbu of Kpia Gbia, the little bird with the extra ordinarily long neck which kept blackmailing the other birds for their food by sticking its long neck out and threatening them if they didn’t give him their food. Finally, one little bird dared Kpia Gbia to come out of the nest and get his own food. When Kpia Gbia came out and the other birds saw what a pitiful creature they have been afraid of all this time, they all jumped on him and tore him to pieces. Or as the story is called in Lugbu, Kpia gbia gagbia gagbieh. Not a very pleasant story for bird lovers, but the morale is that finally, the Sierra Leone People’s Party more appropriately known as the Sierra Leone People’s Problem finally came out of its electoral bird’s nest over the weekend and gave us the most pitiful excuse for political leadership in our nation’s history – including Joseph Saidu Momoh – and the people of Sierra Leone are under-impressed. If after bribing their way past the Sierra Leone Supreme Court and buying the votes of the delegates to its much ado-about-nothing Delegates Conference, Solomon Belewa is all the party of Sir Milton Margai, Bai Shebro Yumkella and others of note can come up with, we are of nations most miserable. Not only are we the least developed country in the world; the one with the highest infant and maternal mortality rates as well as one of the top ten corrupt nations in the world, we are now among the most politically banckrupt nations in the world as well. Be that as it may, the game is not over by any stretch of the imagination. Some may have mistaken the half-time activities of our campaign for the end of the game. Indeed, it is not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end. It is just the beginning. Sierra Leoneans should not abandon the race for political decency neither are we to give place to despair. The Bible is right: The race is not given to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but they that endure to the end. In the next seventy-two hours, the Campaign to Elect Sam Hinga Norman will unveil what Mr. Norman’s political advisers are calling a new and bold plan to unseat political syncophancy, abject corruption and the begger nation economics of our present government. We have seen the best the other sides can come up with and it is less than mediocre, at best. There is an alternative to Mr. Belewa and the Sierra Leone People’s Problem. And it is not necessarily the All People’s Congress with its saddistic political baggage. Please stay tuned; it’s your future, be there. Together, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood and sisterhood, as Martin Luther King, Jr. would say. See You in a Few Days, A. SamForay,
UBC Mission dragged to Court
Tuesday August 30, 2005
Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown
The United brethren in Christ (UBC) Mission, Sierra Leone Conference, has been dragged to Court by the Kakua Foreign Exchange Bureau in Freetown.
According to report, the Chairman of the UBC Conference, Reverend Albert Beckley and the Administrative Assistant- S.B. Johnson, both now facing suspension, in March 2004 on behalf of the Mission received a loan of Le33 million from the Foreign Exchange Bureau which was to be repaid on or before the 1st week of June 2004.
The said loan the report went on was agreed at the rate of Le2, 500 to a dollar; totalling the equivalent of $13, 200.00 The UBC Mission, report further states allegedly issued a bounced cheque, which led then to Court action now taken against it. Presently, the Mission Secretariat in Bo and that in Freetown situated at No. 6 Mount Aureol Road have last week been fifa on the order of the Freetown High Court.
The two offices of the Mission are reportedly now under lock and key while properties including computers, furniture and equipment remain in custody. At a meeting of Pastors and the Conference Council of the UBC held in Bo on August 23rd, the acting Chairman of the Mission Conference, Mr. S.K. Foyoh expressed dismay over the current problem while other members of the Conference maintained that the transaction between Rev. Beckley and S.B. Johnson was not to the knowledge of the Conference Council.
Meanwhile, the Conference Council has resolved to form a five-man committee to travel to Freetown in finding ways for a negotiated settlement of the issue; while report states that should the Mission fail to raise the money in question as speedily expected, the Conference will have no alternative but to mortgage the Mission House in Freetown for such a period that the money would be recovered.
SLAJ lifts news blackout on Berewa and Police
Satuday August 27, 2005
The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) , in collaboration with the Reporters Union of Sierra Leone yesterday lifted the news blackout earlier placed on the Vice President- Solomon Berewa and the Sierra Lerone Police (SLP). This development would now see journalists covering activities of the VP’s office and that of the SLP.
However, that of the ban on Parliament still remains until the Ethics Committee of Parliament meets on the matter of SLPP MP- Hon. Fatmata Hassan. It would be recalled that SLAJ and the Reporters Union stopped journalists from covering activities of the SLP and the Vice President following the death of Acting Editor of the For Di People Newspaper- Harry Yansaneh, as a result of the alleged beating he got from the hands of the children of Hon. Hassan and two others sometime ago.
The Vice President was blacklisted because of his capacity as Chairman of the Police Council while the SLP was blamed for not mounting an investigation into the late editor’s case prior to his death. __________________________________________________
At a meeting convened at No 33 Guinesess Square, Pages Walk, London Se1 on Sunday 24th July 2005, the ” SOLOMON BEREWA Presidential Campaign Committee 2005-2007 was formally launched. The Committee members include: Mr Abdul Kargbo, Mr Samuel B Jonjo, Mr Eric Lansana, Mr Ansu Bapoto Momoh, Mr Mohamed Alie Bah, Ms Pauline Panda (Fataba), Mr Morris Vibby, Mr Sahr Sylvanus Sinnah, Mr Tamba T Gborie, Ms Hilda Y Torto, Ms Memunatu Kebbay, Mr Tamba Kellie, Mr Tamba J Ndomina, Mr David T Saffa, Rev Moses S Kamanda, Sheikh Imam Momodu Kamara. The Committee was able to raise the sum of one thousand, seven hundred and fifty pounds (�1, 7500) at this initial meeting as a way of initiating its fund raising strategy.
The “Berewa Campaign Committee” ( BCC) pledged itself to the following principles in pursuance of its objective of campaigning for and on behalf of Mr Solomon Berewa. 1. Promoting the cause of Mr Solomon Berewa with complete integrity and objectivity in reporting political events here in the UK as well as in Sierra Leone. 2. Absolute respect and regard for all SLPP leadership contenders. Speaking on behalf of the committee, Mr Ansu B Momoh described Vice President Solomon Berewa as an accomplished performer with an extraordinary intellect, experience and above all the discipline to make tough unpopular decisions as long as it is in the long term interest of Sierra Leone. Mr Ansu Momoh reiterated that Vice President Berewa leadership will be guided by one principle: the imperative of justice; by one criterion: the general interest; by one aim: to improve the lot of every Sierra Leonean man and woman. For Further information on membership, please contact the ” Berewa Campaign Secretariat” at No. 7 Durlock House, Gosling Way, London SW9 6 LS, Telephone numbers: 0207 582 7830/ 07944664233/0795055 0860, 07901901485, 07940797201, 07903201787, 07931472659 SPECIAL COURT : HINGA NORMAN CANNOT LEAVE DETENTION FACILITY TO DECLARE CANDIDACY OR CAMPAIGN FOR OFFICE Thursday July 28, 2005 Chief Hinga Norman has been told by the Special Court that the Rules of Detention of the court do not make provision for an indictee to leave the cell . This was revealed to COCORIOKO yesterday by the Deputy Chief of Press and Public Affairs , Mr. Peter C.Andersen , in an exclusive interview. Mr.Andersen also told COCORIOKO that the Rules of Detention do not specifically address the issue of an indictee contesting for political office while on trial. Andersen stated : “Basically, yes, he did inform us that he intended to contest to become the SLPP leader and presidential nominee, and no, he cannot leave the detention facility to campaign. The Rules of Detention make no provision for a person to leave the Detention Facility.” COCORIOKO asked Mr. Andersen what security measures were in place to combat any unforeseen events arising from the ongoing situation involving Chief Norman and the court over the former’s political ambitions. In response , Mr. Andersen said : “The Special Court continually monitors security and takes into account OUR REPORTER TAMBA BORBOR WILL BRING YOU FULL DETAILS ABOUT SUNDAY’S EVENTS AT THE SLPP HEADQUARTERS.
Foday Sankoh’s son goes berserk in Court
Friday July 22, 2005
Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown
The 17th accused in the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) trial, Ibrahim Koroma alias Daddy who is said to be the son of deceased Revolutionary United Front (RUF) Leader, Foday Sankoh went berserk yesterday at the Freetown High Court No.1.
Upon arriving in the dock after a request was made by Defence Counsel Osho Williams for some of the accused to ease themselves, the 17th accused started misbehaving.
Subsequently the accused was asked by Justice Hamilton to give a reason for his awful conduct. The accused Ibrahim Koroma explained that his feet were aching and the single seat accommodation provided in the dock was being occupied by the other accused. Justice Hamilton stated his awful demeanour is not a way to proffer his grievance.
At this instance the accused went berserk and started throwing insults. Justice Hamilton then ordered that he would from today start “a three-month jail sentence for contempt.” The judge added that whenever he comes for trial both legs and arms should be shackled. Justice Hamilton went on “he is now a sentenced and remand prisoner.”
The Judge who was ready to proceed with the trial till 5pm had to adjourn because of the behaviour of the accused. However Justice Hamilton assured the other accused that by the next adjourned date they would be provided with seating accommodation and admonished them to behave properly.
POLICE INVESTIGATE ARMS DISCOVERY IN FREETOWN CEMETERYSaturday July 16, 2005TAMBA BORBOR reports from FreetownImplements suspected to be used by armed robbers to distress households at night have been found hidden at the grave of the late veteran trade unionist- I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson at Wilberforce Village cemetery last Friday evening.Workers engaged in the cleaning of the village cemetery discovered the implements hidden in the grave. The arms found were two giant cutters, an AK-47 rifle and a loaded magazine of 20 live rounds ammunition. According to Councillor Samuel Gibson, the weapons could be used to cut metal bars for easy access into targeted homes. The discovery of these implements has sent some worrisome notes to the villagers, who are linking such implements to armed robbers. According to a youth, “the discovery has made us to be on the alert to find those who are using the cemetery to hide such weapons.” We shall surely hunt them down and we are really determined to ensure that the village is arms free. The police have been called in and they have taken possession of the arms and an alleged suspect by the name of Jonathan Sesay an ex-AFRC combatant, who is helping the Police in their investigations.
Prisoners escape again in FreetownTuesday July 13, 2005Tamba Borbor reports from FreetownJudicial proceedings had to be halted yesterday when quite a good number of suspects at the Freetown Law Courts lock-up forcefully escaped yesterday. The suspects were awaiting trial when they started misbehaving in the Court’s lock-up. According to sources, while the lock-up guards were concentrating on the main entrance, some of the prisoners used an underground entrance leading to the dock of High Court No.2 to make good their escape. It is alleged that one of the High Court Clerks at the scene tried to stop the escapees but was unfortunately knock down and left with a sprained leg. The fugitives who are alleged to have broken the main gate to the Court via Siaka Steven Street were seen with knives, iron bars and broken bottles. Operational Security Division (OSD) officers were later called to the scene, while the other suspects were taken back to the maximum prison at Pademba Road. According to onlookers, the manner in which prison suspects have been escaping is becoming alarming, as this is not the first time such an attempt has been made. However, the Police managed to apprehend five of them namely: Mohamed Vannah, James Conteh, Mohamed Marah, Mohamed Kamara and Simeon Koroma. The Inspector General of Police (IG) Brima Acha Kamara was later shown the extent of the damage caused by the fleeing suspects.
note: the boy in the picture is osman Gbla just been removed from under the rubble. __________________________________________________ Rokel Checkpoint dismantled for corruption Tuesday June 14, 2004 The Inspector General (IG) of the Sierra Leone Police Force, Brima Acha Kamara has disclosed that the Police have dismantled the Rokel Checkpoint for persistent reports of corruption. Speaking to Cocorioko reporter , Tamba Borbor, in an exclusive interview as he clocked two-years in office as IG, Acha said, “let me take this opportunity to tell you that as from today, the Rokel Checkpoint has been dismantled because of corruption,” adding that this is among various steps they are taking to ensure that corruption is reduced in the Police Force. Acknowledging that there is corruption in the Force, the IG said that they have decided to reduce the number of checkpoints and traffic officers all over the country to curtail corrupt practices. He noted that from Freetown to Kono, there are only two checkpoints while in Kambia, there is only one at the border to prevent smuggling. IG Brima Acha Kamara maintained that there is no reason for Police Officers to demand money at Police Stations as there is enough stationery supplied on a regular basis. “Bail is free and people should not buy papers,” he stressed. On the issue of logistics especially vehicles, he said that from a Force with about 10 vehicles in the past, they have succeeded in acquiring about 500 vehicles. “My problems at the moment is not the lack of vehicles but how to manage the fleet we have,” Acha Kamara said. To be able to maintain public order, he said that the Department for Foreign and International Development (DFID) four years ago supplied a number of anti-riot gears. “What I have done recently as those have already worn-out, is to plead with certain Chief Constables in the United Kingdom through the cooperation of one of our Advisers, Mr. Ray England. They have from their own Forces, assisted us with a container-load of anti-riot gears and another is expected shortly from the UK,” the Police IG informed. He went on to disclose that out of their budget, “because we should not be relying on donors all the time, we have recently placed an order for 1000 helmets mostly for general duty Policemen and we intend to also order batons to release the stress on the Operational Support Division (OSD) in tackling public order.” Furthermore, Acha Kamara said that his administration believes that general duty Police personnel should be involved in low-level public disorder. “We are always looking ahead and this has been the strength of my administration. So come 2007, from even our budget, we should be able to buy enough public order equipment because I believe the future of policing problems in this country is about public order activities,” he noted. On the various operations mounted by the Police since he took over as IG, Acha Kamara said that various moves have been made by the Police to rid the city and country of crime. We have succeeded in reducing the crime rate considerably,” he boasted and also insisted that Operation Free Flow is not a failure as some people think. “We have achieved a lot in the area of clearing the streets of traders who hamper the flow of traffic and this can be experienced by the short time it now takes to travel from the east to west of the city. Most of the stalls also which had hitherto blocked the roads had been cleared,” the IG stressed. He also disclosed that he is presently involved in another quiet operation, which involves the clearing of street discos and the curtailing of the crimes that go with them. “We are going round streets like Adelaide Street to ensure that we maintain public order,” he stated. He denied having any political interference in the discharge of his duties and pointed out that the President is a lawyer, the Vice President who is also chairman of the Police Council is also a legal mind and the Minister of Internal Affairs who is in charge of Police matters is also a legal person so they do not interfere in the work of the Police boss. The IG also denied that funds are starving the force from recruiting to meet the benchmark set by UNAMSIL and even hinted that with the present trend of recruitment that target of 9500 will soon be attained before 2007. He also stressed that the present trend of policing is putting emphasis more on crime prevention than control. “We are also working on updating the old laws on policing and also working on modalities to settle simple disputes in the stations instead of allowing them to reach the courts and clog them”, he disclosed.
NIGERIA HAS REASON TO BE FED UP WITH TAYLOR , SAYS NEW SPECIAL COURT Tuesday May 10, 2004 By Tamba Borbor in Freetown The newly appointed Prosecutor of the United Nations backed Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL)- Desmond de Silva QC yesterday described the former Liberian President Charles Taylor as a “monster of evil who should be brought to justice.” He made this statement during a Press Conference at the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) at Wallace Johnson Street. Mr. de Silva a British National who was nominated by the Government of Sierra Leone in July 2002, as the Deputy Prosecutor has replaced the former SCSL Chief Prosecutor David Crane. Mr. de Silva stated that the world is now coming together with one voice for Taylor to be brought to Sierra Leone for trial. He disclosed that in February at the European Parliament in Strasburg, there was a unanimous vote for Nigeria to surrender Charles Taylor to the SCSL. He also maintained that the Nigerian Bar Association and Journalist Union had also called for Taylor to be handed over. The newly appointed prosecutor said that he sees no reason why Nigeria should not handover Charles Taylor; noting that Nigeria’s domestic laws have no provision for war criminals to be granted asylum. He said that Charles Taylor was allowed to go to Nigeria on the basis that he did not interfere in the affairs of Liberia and the sub-region. He maintained that Taylor has failed to keep up to his promises as he was linked to the recent assassination attempt on Guinean President Lansana Conteh. He added, ” Nigeria have reason to be fed up with him, he cannot even keep his word such is the nature of the beast.” On the issue of their performance so far de Silva said judging from other tribunals, the Sierra Leone tribunal is a success story. He said failure to bring Taylor by Crane does not mean he has failed adding, “we can only do what we are humanly capable of.” Mr. de Silva also sated that American President Bush will be meeting President Obasanjo to discuss about surrendering Taylor, adding, ” I think President Obasanjo would listen.”
STRASSER BACK IN THE NATIONAL LIMELIGHT : HE IS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN 2007 GENERAL ELECTIONS Monday May 2, 2005 Reported by Tamba Borbor in Freetown The former Head of State of the National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC) – Rtd.Capt. Valentine E.M. Strassar last Friday declares his political intention to journalists in a press conference at the STOP PRESS Restaurant in Freetown . Former Military ruler, who took political power on the 27th April 1992 from the then All Peoples Congress (APC) regime headed by President Joseph Momoh, disclosed his intention to register a political party- The Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) with the National Electoral Commission (NEC). Rtd. Capt. V.E.M Strasser stated that he intends achieving this goal through a fundraising committee which he has set up. Speaking about his political plans, he said, “if my party is registered and begins to run effectively, I might run for presidency” adding, “all political parties world-wide started at some point.” Rtd. Capt. Strasser stated that though retired he is not yet tired. He explained that the idea to set up a political party was to organize and represent a party which would not intend giving vague promises, adding” during my reign, my government spent more on infrastructure than any succeeding government.” He maintained, “I need not say much as my recorded speak for itself.” The former NPRC leader said that if he were opposed to civilian rule, he would not have announced a road map leading to civilian rule. Asked about his alleged retarded state of mind; he replied, “when would Sierra Leone seize to being a rumor-mongering machine.” The Rtd. Capt. said that infact some do alleged that his mother publicly announced that he is a lunatic. He thanked the Government for the payment of his benefits for his services in the Armed Forces, although they argued that he was not eligible to receive Presidential benefits because he was not democratically elected. Asked about his former Deputy -Julius Maada Bio’s political plans; he said that he knows nothing about Maada Bio’s political agenda. Capt. Strasser called on all his supporters and admirers to contact the acting Chairman of the fundraising committee- Mr. Christopher Stevens on his mobile: 076-739-203 for whatever they can contribute. He explained that initially they wanted to open an account at the Rokel Commercial Bank (RCB), but the Manager argued that since the fundraising is for a political purpose, it would be necessary for them to register with the NEC before the opening of such an account.
Caretaker strangled to death, as….. ARMED ROBBERY SCARE IN SIERRA LEONE Monday April 18, 2005 The caretaker and security of Alie Nazzar’s residence was strangled to death by unknown men alleged to be armed robbers while on duty at his post in Jenner-Wright Lane, off Wilkinson Road. The caretaker Alpha Sesay met his untimely death during the early hours of Thursday morning, when robbers attacked his post trying to gain entrance to the residence he secure. According to Police sources, information reached the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters at Government wharf around 5am, stating that armed robbers had attacked the residence of Alie Nazzar. Upon this information he stated, the Police Delta Force went to the scene only to find a lifeless caretaker. The corpse of the middle-aged caretaker looked battered with bruises on his chest coupled with a swollen right eye. Police attached to CID Homicide Department are trying to track down the alleged culprits. The incident, coupled with many complaints about the activities of men with guns at night, has heightened fears that armed robbery may become a menace in Sierra Leone if the trend is not immediately checked. HOW STUDENTS’ PROTESTS BROUGHT FREETOWN TO A VIRTUAL STANDSTILL Thursday March 3, 2005
On-The -Spot report by Cocorioko’s Tamba Borbor
Students of Fourah Bay College including those of the constituent Colleges marched up to the Education Ministry on Monday to register their grievances against the Minister. The plan of the protest according to the students was hatched after the Minister’s failure to amicably handle the issue of payment of monies owed to Lecturers of the University including students’ overdue allowances. “The negligence shown by the Minister to even negotiate with the Lecturers at the meeting held last week prompted us to decide on coming down to town, as we were supposed to start our exams yesterday when the Lecturers went on strike,” explained one of the student protesters. Numbering over a few thousand, the students first marched to State House, from where they processed to the American Embassy. From this point, they zealously marched to the Education Ministry at New England Ville with their placards. Some of which read: “Enough is enough. Pay our lecturers now”; “is this your vision for Sierra Leone”; “please allow us to write our exams”; “our candles are burning in vain”, “Alpha Wurie try to settle the bills of our Lecturers and students’ difficulties in the country.” Arriving at the Ministry of Education while chanting: “Swegbeh Alpha Wurie must resign now”, the students met the doors of the Ministry tightly closed, as the Minister and his Deputies were nowhere to be seen. Assistant Inspector General of Police Francis Munu was spotted trying to calm the students down but to no avail, as they shouted: “No Police, No Police.” Still unified to their cause, the students then decided on trooping way down to Youyi Building to get the authorities to know about their plight. On arrival at the entrance, personnel of the Operational Support Division (OSD) were seen wielding tear gas canister guns, while others stood right at the gate to make sure the students don’t get in. This turned into a tug-of-war situation, as the students who outnumbered the OSD personnel tried to force their way in while the Police were trying to push them out. The Police then resorted to using tear gas to disperse the students; much to the displeasure and suffering of passers-by and school going pupils in the vicinity, as they were seen running helter-skelter as a result of the tear gas burning their eyes. The protesting students upon meeting this unexpected resistance from the Police, as according to them: “our protest was carried in a peaceful manner”, resolved to pelt stones at the OSD personnel who were lurking behind the main entrance of Youyi Building. Some of the OSD personnel were seen wielding both AK58 and 47 weapons inside the building. Speaking to the President of the National Union of Sierra Leone Students- Mr. Ezekiel Duramany Lakkoh at the basement of the Youyi Building, he said they are disappointed at the Police’s handling of their peaceful protest. “We planned it in a peaceful way and we did not involve in any violent acts until the Police started shooting tear gas canisters at us. This is why the students are pelting stones at them now,” Ezekiel stated; adding that it is the right of students to vent out their views on issues affecting their welfare in a peace way. “If our Lecturers have not been paid what they are due and our allowances not also paid up to this time, it is our right to let the authorities know in a peaceful protest like this,” he further maintained. Retreating from Youyi Building, the students then converged at St. John where they mounted a roadblock in addition to another around Mende Church at Campbell Street. Determined to make their grievances heard, the students then trooped into the heart of the City. On arrival at the Electricity House at Siaka Stevens Street, the protesting students sent a cautious note of warning that if they fail to get electricity from NPA to study at the College, they would visit the institution to vent out their feelings. Leaving the NPA Building, the large crowd of students uprooted the portrait of President Tejan Kabbah at the Cotton Tree roundabout and continued their march into the commercial area of the City. The students’ protest saw the temporal closing down of Banks, Schools, as parents rushed to pick up their children. Lebanese shops were also forced to close down as the students marched through the main streets onto their campus at Fourah Bay College. Up to Press time, there has not been any statement from the Ministry of Education to address the current state of affairs at the University so that the students can start taking their exams. Meanwhile, the students have vowed that until their overdue allowances including that of their Lecturers are paid, they would not relent in their solidarity towards seeing changes in the manner in which the Education Ministry treats issues of such nature. A rather upset student told Cocorioko at New England Ville, “I am finding it very difficult to meet my college obligations so it is better for the Education Minister to treat his former colleagues at the University with the respect they deserve.”
SPECIAL COURT INVESTIGATOR TOLD DELIBERATE LIES TO THE SIERRA LEONE POLICE —Judge Ademosu By Tamba Borbor , reporting from Freetown The Freetown High Court has sent the former head of Homicide of Victoria Police in Australia- Peter Halloran to Prison for indecent assault. The Australian born senior police officer was working as Chief of Investigations at the UN backed Special Court when he allegedly hired a 13-year-old girl as his nanny. However, another Australian woman Mandy Caldwell living in the same house, discovered that this 13-year-old girl was sleeping in Halloran’s room. Evidence was heard in Court that Halloran removed the girl’s blouse and played with her breasts throughout the night while both of them slept on the same bed. High Court Judge Samuel Ademusu said of Mandy Caldwell who was also an investigator at the Special Court working under Peter Halloran and who actually uncovered the whole issue that he “found her evidence to be unshaken.” He added, “I watched her demeanour in the witness box and I have no doubt in my mind that she told the Court a very true story.” Justice Ademusu stated that the evidence that the 13-year-old girl was found in Halloran’s bedroom by Mandy Caldwell was “not challenged” pointing out “this piece of evidence was confirmed by (the 13 year old herself) who admitted sleeping in the house for two days.” The Judge concluded that Halloran “took most improper liberties with the girl who was anxious to get a job.” Justice Ademusu stated that Halloran “told deliberate lies to the police . out of a wish to conceal a disgraceful behaviour.” He pointed out that Halloran’s statement was “replete with contradictions and inconsistencies which one would not expect from an acknowledged criminal investigator.” Looking stoically at the Judge after the guilty verdict had been delivered, when asked what he had to say before sentence was passed on him Halloran said, “I’m surprised at the verdict, I will rely on my Counsel to speak on my behalf.” Defence Counsel Browne-Marke for Halloran asked the Judge to use his discretion; emphasizing that it is punishment enough that a highly placed Victorian Police officer has been convicted. The Judge replied that he thinks “it would be meaningless to impose a fine on the accused bearing in mind that this is a very serious offence in which I feel very strongly about; taking advantage of a school girl who was anxious for a job; should not be visited with other sentence than a custodial one.” He then sentenced the senior Australian Police Officer to 18 months in prison. Lawyer Nicholas Browne-Marke has said they will appeal. The other two accused persons- Sheka and Abdul Fofanah who were standing trial for conspiracy contrary to law were acquitted and discharged.
PRESIDENT KABBAH CALLS FOR A CHANGE OF ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND PROPERTY Monday December 20, 2004 President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah has challenged Sierra Leoneans to change their attitudes towards the use of public funds and public property .The President threw the challenge when he addressed the 2004 Convocation of the University of Sierra Leone , held at the Adjai Crowther Amphitheatre , Mount Aureol, in Freetown yesterday. Kabbah , the Chancellor of the University of Sierra Leone, asked the rhetorical questions : “How often have we not heard that what we Sierra Leoneans need in order to move the country forward is a change of attitude? Who would deny that a change of attitude could be one of the solutions to many of our economic problems? For instance, wouldn’t we benefit from a change in our attitude toward the use of public funds and property, a change of attitude in the way we treat others? There is obviously a direct relationship between the attitudinal change many of us would like to see and the seven national values I would like us to uphold.” The President threw the gauntlet at the University to teach values and principles “that should guide us, especially the emerging generation, in our interaction with each other – in the workplace, in public places, and in social life. ” The President’s appeal for a change of attitude towards public funds and property comes at a time when Sierra Leone, like her neighbour Liberia, has incurred the wrath of the U.S. and the British governments–The major stakeholders in her recovery from war– over the misuse and abuse of public funds > READ OUR EDITORIAL ON THE ISSUE
FREETOWN IS AN EYESORE By Sampson Cole Thursday June 22, 2004 The Mayor of the Municipality of Freetown, Winstanley Addressing the Traders Union at his Wallace He stressed “We are
The Mayor however quickly informed him
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Editor of online edition : Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu , Esq.
Cocorioko’s online edition is produced in Franklin Township , Somerset , New Jersey, USA . The Managing Editor is Rev.Leroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu. Other officials are : Mr. Alex Mansaray , CEO; Foday Mansaray, Assistant CEO ; Joseph Sherman, Asst.Editor ; Chernor Ojuku Sesay, Editor-In-Chief of the print edition in Freetown and Correspondent of the online edition; Olu Faulkner and Soribah Kalokoh in Sierra Leone , Jlateh Doe in Liberia and Mohamed Legally-Cole in the Gambia (Reporters ).
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