By Mrs. Basita Michael,
Former President of Sierra Leone Bar Association
A crisis of contradictions in governance
They say radical inclusion yet they deliver radical disappointments
They want respect yet they don’t give respect and they don’t feel the need to be respectable
They hate rudeness yet they insult others freely.
They condemn abusive language yet they shout it at their foes.
They set the rules yet they don’t follow them.
They claim they are role models yet they set bad examples.
They expose others yet they ignore their own scandals.
They say they respect the independence of our institutions yet they dodge them when it suits
They say let’s set the records straight yet they twist them to suit themselves.
They claim to fight corruption yet they skip the big cases they know
They call for unity yet divided they stand
They cheer democracy yet they silence dissent
They expect trust yet they betray their own promises
They promise transparency yet they hide the truth.
They promised an independent commission for peace yet they have turned it into a commission at war with itself
They claim they respect the independence of the judiciary yet behind the scenes they strip it of its independence
They create institutions yet they undermine them keep them under funded and under staffed
They say transform Freetown yet it is themselves they transform
They say “we the opposition serves the people’s interests” yet they absent and silence themselves when it matters most to the interests of the people
So what’s next? The contradictions will keep piling up. This will demand the best from all of us. Are we up to it? What do we do? We Stay focused. We Stay calm. We say what matters. Most importantly let’s stay true to this our country that deserves nothing other than our absolute love and dedication.
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