A diaspora official of the National Grand Coalition, Mr. Jesmed Suma, has called on party members to partner with other opposition parties to call for the resignation of the Chairman of the National Elections Commission, Nfa Allie Conteh and the cancellation of the results of the Council Elections of Ward 196 in the Tonko LIMBA chiefdom KAMBIA District.
Dear Fellow NGC Members,
Contesting an election and voting are the foundation of any democracy including our fragile democracy. Protecting such a foundation is the fundamental responsibility of the National Electoral Commission.
If reports filed by our NGC team on the ground are verified to be true, then this is another example of the gross lack of integrity in our electoral system. As a result we must partner with other members of the opposition to:
a) call for the immediate resignation of the Chief National Electoral Commissioner Nfa Alie Conteh for his lack of competence.
b) Call for the Immediate Cancellation of the Bye Elections result subject to be conducted in a future date.
c) Call for an amendment to our electoral laws giving rights to Political parties to file a private law suit against any individual, group or party suspected of being involved in any form of electoral malpractice including ballot stuffing, bribery, vote buying, election violence and the use of Gov’t official assets for partisan canvassing during elections.
Part of the problem with our electoral system is the fact individuals are allowed to get away with the abuse of the laws that are meant to protect the integrity of the system. Until we strengthen our laws to allow it to be effective this blatant abuse would continue.
It is a fact that the current Paopa Govt came into office through electoral fraud and they have shown to us how to would continue to hold on to power through fraud.
The events that took place in Constituency 58, Ward 196 is a microcosm of what is to come in subsequent elections including the 2023 General Elections.
If we fail to investigate and fail to file a protest against the conduct of the National Electoral Commission with regards their conduct in this bye-election, our party would forever be taken for granted.
We are kindly asking of the leadership of our party to protect our votes, investigate the conduct of this election and file a protest subject to the verification of these allegations.
Yours Sincerely,
*JFSuma ©️*