Yesterday, a fake Whatsapp audio purported to be the voice of the President of the National Union of Sierra Leone Students ( NUSS ), Osman Bikal Kamara, was circulated in the social media claiming that demonstrations against the removal of fuel subsidy will be staged in Freetown today and tomorrow. Soon, supporters of the Government announced that the audio was not only fake but it completed misrepresented NUSS.
Shortly after the audio made the rounds, some high school students said to be returning from a soccer match were shown in a video marching through a street in the city , loudly and wildly demanding reduction in the price of fuel. Opponents of the ruling governnment soon circulated it too in the social media.
Later , in the DJ Base radio music and talk show at 9pm, the NUSS President , Osman Bikal Kamara, appeared and widely refuted the claims made in the video and emphasizing that NUSS believes in constructive engagement, not demonstrations and chaos. This act of the real NUSS President appearing on radio to set the matter straight that he did not make the audio and that it was not even from NUSS highlighted the desperation of the opposition and dissident elements to use fake audios, videos , pictures and stories to hurt the government and plunge the country into chaos. If there is any group of people seriously abusing social media, it is Sierra Leoneans.
Once again, this morning , Freetown is very calm and there is no sign of protests anywhere. Rather, people are going about their business in peace.
However, the Sierra Leone Police has arrested two people accused of making false, dangerous and inciting statements on the social media. Also, the Ministry of Education has suspended all sporting events until further notice.
The executive of the National Union of Sierra Leone Students (NUSS), wishes to inform its constituent and the general public that the voice message purporting to come from the President of NUSS- ‘Osman Bikal’ and texts messages making the rounds on social media claiming a call for students to do an unlawfully guided demonstration is a hoax, false and mischievous. The President has in an unambiguous parlance said that NUSS position on any issue affecting students shall be duly communicated through his executive and cannot be influenced by any other external body aiming to cause mayhem. The voice message he said is not from him and is misrepresention, and that should not be relied on as anything official.
The Union encourages all and sundry to go about there normal business as no demonstration or strike has been decided by the NUSS leadership.
Meanwhile, as National Union of Sierra Leone Students (NUSS) executive observes the unfriendly economic environment with mixed feelings. The general public is hereby encouraged to follow the programs below as NUSS makes it official position on the fuel saga, findings on its effect on the students of the country and the Union’s recommendations for possible solutions.
*Join the President, Osman Bikal Kamara with DJ Base on*:
MEDIA: *AYV Radio (101.6 FM) / AYV TV (Chanel 33)*
PROGRAM: *Nite life*
DATE: today *16th November, 2016*
TIME: *11:59 pm*
and also join:
*Ambassador Michael Mitchell Conteh; the Public Relations Officer- NUSS* on:
MEDIA: *Star Radio (103.5 FM )*
PROGRAM: *Good Morning Show*
DATE: *17th November, 2016*
TIME: *8:00 am – 9:00 am*
and on:
MEDIA: *AYV Radio (101.6 FM) / AYV TV (Channel 33)*
PROGRAM: *Wake Up Salone*
DATE: *17th November, 2016*
TIME: *9:00 am*
They express the union’s position on the current state of economic environment in the country, the effects on students and recommends solutions in the interest of the students and the citizenry.
Once again, everybody is encouraged to go about their normal business tomorrow and students are advised to make their way to their different learning environment as we continue to engage the authorities concerned in the interest of the general studentship.
Amb. Michael Mitchell Conteh;
Public Relations Officer-NUSS
16th November, 2016.