Cocorioko.net, the Cocorioko domain name that was best known to our readers , is back again. The domain is up and running and we are sure this will come as welcome news to thousands of readers of our newspapers who had been left in limbo four months ago when our website by that name collapsed.
The repeated problems and eventual collapse of Cocorioko.net affected the ratings of the newspaper because many of our readers did not know that the newspaper could still be accessed at cocorioko.net.( Even though we had announced this new domain name as far back as December 2011 and had been reminding readers periodically about its existence ) .
However, the paper has returned without its archives for 2008, 2009 , 2010 and much of 2011 . We are fighting doggedly to get back those files. We want to appeal to anybody or organization that might have been backing up the website or saving our articles in their hard drives to come to our help to get back our files. We lost the 2003 to 2007 files but we have luckily recovered them from an organization that had been storing the website. We hope that somebody or some organization somewhere must have been storing our articles and we appeal to them to please contact us .
We want to assure you, our readers, of our continued commitment to do whatever it takes to improve on the website and to continue to provide you reliable, uninterrupted service. We are working on a new template that will also address your concerns . Please be patient with us.
The return of cocorioko.net ensures that our paper will now be read all over the world once again and our ratings will rise again.
We also want to inform you about our Facebook versions of Cocorioko with our main forums now having 18, 000 friends and readers from all over the world and our sister newspaper forum, DAILY NATION, also having over 18, 000 friends.
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