Acting in accordance with Article 6.9.2 (ii) of the 5th December 1995 Constitution of All Peoples Congress (APC), we the members of the APC convened an Emergency National Delegates’ Conference this 30th Day of April 2015 at the Bintumani Conference Centre, Aberdeen, Freetown to deliberate on the Ebola outbreak and other issues of great relevance to the party;
And WHEREAS the membership of the party remembers Ebola victims in our prayers;
And WHEREAS the party salutes the efforts and sacrifice of all Ebola response workers in the fight against the outbreak, and appreciates the invaluable support of our development partners and the International Community;
And WHEREAS we, as a party, are cognizant of the astute leadership of the President and the Government of Sierra Leone in the fight against Ebola;
And WHEREAS we acknowledge that the Chairman and Leader, His Excellency the President severally stated that the utilization of funds and other resources for the fight against Ebola would be subjected to strict accountability and transparency processes;
And WHEREAS we are determined to get Ebola cases to zero and to stay at zero;
And WHEREAS the party acknowledges the positive roles played by its national, regional, district, constituency, Women’s Congress, Youth League, Veterans and Diaspora structures in these trying times;
Recognizing that discipline is a core value in the fight against Ebola, in ensuring state stability, in the implementation of the Agenda for Prosperity and in ensuring the achievement of the goals set forth in the Government’s Post-Ebola Recovery Plan;
Cognizant of the fact that our party has been in existence for over 54 years and that its success in producing three democratically elected presidents was the result of discipline and hard work by the party and its membership;
And WHEREAS we are also aware of the existing State of Emergency declared to effectively respond to the Ebola Outbreak;
And WHEREAS we recognize the fact that serious complaints made against high-ranking party officials that threatened the stability of the party constituted a situation that needed to be urgently addressed;
And WHEREAS we recognize that the National Advisory Committee shall perform the role of any or all party organs in emergency situations pursuant to Article (iv) of the 5th December1995 Constitution of the APC;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED at this Emergency National Delegates’ Conference held this 30th Day of April 2015 at the Bintumani Conference Centre, Aberdeen, Freetown that:
All party structures are instructed to continue sensitization on what is required to eradicate Ebola in Sierra Leone;
The party continues to educate the generality of Sierra Leoneans on the government’s Post Ebola Recovery Plan;
The Party calls on the House of Parliament, the Anti-Corruption Commission and other oversight institutions to expedite actions on issues raised in the audit of funds for the fight against Ebola;
The Party supports the Government’s Post Ebola Recovery Strategies and the calls made by the Chairman and Leader, His Excellency the President for the transparent and accountable utilization of funds and other resources for the Post Ebola Recovery Plan;
We the national delegates here assembled have deliberated on the appeals filed by Alhaji Samuel Sam Sumana against his expulsion from the party and Tamba Sandi against his suspension from the party and we unanimously reject BOTH appeals, and hereby unanimously affirm, support, and endorse all actions and decisions of the National Advisory Committee taken since the last National Party Delegates’ Conference of 1st – 4th May 2013 in Freetown.
Long Live the All Peoples Congress!
Long Live Sierra Leone!
Comrade Ernest Bai Koroma – Chairman and Leader
Comrade Alhaji Osman Foday Yansaneh- National Secretary General
Comrade Alhaji Mohamed S. Kargbo – Chairman of the Emergency National Delegates’ Conference
Comrade Momodu Alieu Pat-Sowe – Regional Chairman, West
Comrade Alhaji Buya Kamara – Regional Chairman, North
Comrade Muctaru Conteh – Regional Chairman South
Comrade Finda Diana Konomanyi – Regional Chairman, East.