Concerned Sierra Leoneans concerned : With U.S and MCC complicity, Bio is getting away with bloody human rights abuses and elections robbery


By Kabs Kanu

If the Hindolo Trye 1977 FBC Convocation demonstrations that later set the whole country on fire, leading to riots throughout Sierra Leone, and came close to overthrowing the APC government, had happened in Maada Bio’s time, no member of the Hindolo students union government , including Hindolo himself, would have lived to tell the story .

Bio , Lawrence Leema and the Kamajor army and Police would have killed them. If participants in minor protests were slain by this government, how many more people would they not have butchered in a nation- wide protest like the 1977 demonstrations ?

Hundreds of us were arrested and incarcerated at Pademba Road Prisons. Pademba Road was seething with detainees.

If it had been Maada Bio’s time, Leema, Fatmata Sawaneh, and other SLPP street thugs and Kamajors would have sneaked into the Prisons and killed many of us secretly, lying that we rioted as they did few years back.

If you do not believe, go back to 1998 when ECOMOG and Mercenaries restored President Kabbah after the AFRC coup. Hundreds of people and kids were killed by blood – thirsty SLPP vigilante groups and security, who placed rubber tires around the necks of a lot of them, poured petrol on them and burnt them alive in the streets .

This is why some of us are very angry with the MCC, America and countries supporting this bloody Maada Bio government .

Bio sent troops and thugs to massacre over one hundred prisoners and correction officers at the Pademba Road Prisons and the U.S State Department recorded it in their annual report but the MCC went on and gave Bio’s government pass grades in their scorecards for upholding law. Like seriously ? Are these MCC officials animalistic like the Bio government ?

Innocent protesters were also publicly slaughtered by the SLPP military and police at Mile 91, Tombo, Lunsar, Makeni, Tonko Limba , Freetown etc. Poor, innocent Evangelist Sampson, White Boy, Mammy Haja and others were slaughtered by the SLPP extrajudicially and America did not impose sanctions but are helping to prop up the Bio government.We have abundant evidence, photos and videos. These are atrocities that are efficiently recorded, thanks to today’s information technologies.

We hope Bio will be arrested and sent to the ICC for trial as was done to Laurent Gbagbo of the Ivory Coast, Daddis Camara of Guinea and some warlords in the Congo. If not, a very bad and dangerous precedent would be set and future governments will do the same. We do not want to see these hortible and bloody deeds repeated in our country.

We are hurting because of these merciless atrocities in Sierra Leone by Maada Bio and his people.

Bio is a human rights abuser and killer and should face justice . That is the least we demand to save our country from future revenge by other governments.

We want justice, peace, respect for human rights and good governance in Sierra Leone.


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