Just as was feared, the contaminated chickens from Brazil which were taken away by greedy people from the Bomeh Dump Pile yesterday have reached the markets, plunging the nation into a serious health hazard. It was feared that unscrupulous people would put public health in jeopardy by selling the rotten chickens to unsuspecting public. It has happened.
According to breaking news from Albert Momoh, some of the disposable carto0ns of chicken were discovered this afternoon at one shop along Hagan street, off Guard Street, Freetown by LUC Superintendent Fondowa and team of the Eastern Police Station, Freetown. Other reports said that the owner of the store and some culprits have been arrested.
This morning , the Deputy Minister of Health 11, Ms. Zulai Cooper, warned that anyone found selling the contaminated chickens will be arrested.
Meanwhile, friends and families of Sierra Leoneans living abroad have been calling their relatives and comrades in Freetown to stop eating chickens for a while.
Sierra Leoneans are expressing disgust at the behaviour of their compatriots :
- Madam Chadia Talib : “Our people are losing their Dignity ………. Digging up Chicken from rubbish dumps tells me we have lost the Humans in us ….Scavengers dig up rotten food . Not Humans ! Sigh. “
- Solade Pyne-Bailey : “It’s so sad. Unimaginable but true! Our people oh! How cant they understand. We have so so so much to change here in this country.”
- Sorie M. Sankoh : “Chadia Talib , this also shows the stubborn nature of our people.
They were told not to use this chicken and they still went to bormeh to pick up. We don’t want another epidemic to arise over rotten chicken, chai.”