Ebola Update July 3, 2014
- For the 2nd July 2014, a total of 36 samples were received by the Laboratory: Kenema (9), Kailahun (25), Moyamba and Bo (1) each. Twenty-three (23) of the 36 samples are positive for Ebola, four (4) from Kenema and nineteen (19) from Kailahun. Eight of the remaining samples are negative while 5 results are pending. Only Kenema and Kailahun Districts have confirmed cases of Ebola in the country
- Five(5) of the 7 laboratory pending results yesterday are now positive while 2 are negative
- The cumulative number of cases tested is 468 with Laboratory confirmed cases of 239 70 confirmed deaths
- The cumulative number of discharged cases is 28
- Line listing of contacts and monitoring of case contacts is on-going in districts with confirmed cases
- Training completed for staff of the Ebola treatment center established at Lakka Government Hospital
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