A mentally-challenged man in Freetown , known simply as BLACKER, was on Thursday arrested by the President Maada Bio SLPP Government for speaking out his mind in public. Blacker’s outspokenness has often subjected him to merciless beatings from cruel SLPP supporters and even gun shot wounds at one time. He is one of the citizens who has borne the brunt of the SLPP’S brutality and cruelty . They have brutalized him senselessly for criticizing their government.
This present outrage by the SLPP Government forced former Mayoral aspirant, Prince Harold Thorpe to quip on social media : “This Bio Government needs prayers” .
How can this SLPP Government continue to abuse the human rights of its citizens with such flagrant impunity and callous indifference even while the microscope of the U.S. and the international community are glaringly mirrored on it, as indicated by the recent U.S. State Department Report which exposed grave human rights abuses , which includes extrajudicial political killings , illegal arrests and imprisonments by the government ?
It is a known legal procedure in all serious jurisdictions that unless they commit acts of grave violence or pose a significant threat to the lives of other people, the mentally-deranged are often spared prosecution for minor offences. Rather than arrest them, a government that is concerned about the welfare of its constituents would rather take in mentally challenged people into asylums where they help them with basic necessities and medical treatments . But they have not been known to have ever been beaten or shot at or arrested for speaking their minds. This can only happen during the reign of a CHRONICALLY DANGEROUS , TOTALITARIAN and abusive government like the SLPP.
Maada Bio needs prayers. His government needs prayers. His Police and CID need prayers. But Sierra Leoneans too need prayers. A government that can arrest a mentally-disabled man for criticizing the president is a desperate evil and the people of the country need prayers for redemption from such a vile government.