Elephant attacks and inflicts serious injuries on man in Karene District

The National Protected Area Authority wishes to inform the general public about an unfortunate situation of human wildlife conflict.

On the 15th August 2024, there was an  elephant attack on Mohamed Kamara, a resident of Yembere village (Duguta section), within the Outamaba Kilimi National Park, of the Upper Tambaka Chiefdom in the Karene District.

The Authority expresses grave concern and solidarity for this unfortunate situation. Therefore, the NPAA is in consultation with the Chiefdom stakeholders, as we closely monitor the medical situation of the victim, who is currently at the Kamakwie government hospital.

While the Authority is conducting preliminary investigation on the incident, we encourage all chiefdom residents and partners to restrain from sharing fallacious information.

Stay tuned for more update!!

*Communications and Outreach Units NPAA*

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