Ernest Koroma Urges Vigilance After Guinea Ebola Outbreak
By AL MansaraY
WASHINGTON, D.C. (TV-News24) – Former president of Sierra Leone urged for vigilance Monday, in a statement, after several people in neighboring Guinea died of the Ebola virus disease.
The seven – three dead, four sick – tested positive for EVD after attending the February 1 funeral of a nurse in N’Zerekore district, southeastern Guinea, media reports say.Ernest Bai Koroma, who was in power when the outbreak occurred in Sierra Leone in late May 2014, stressed full cooperation with health care authorities.

“With reports of another outbreak in the subregion, I urge everyone to be vigilant. Let us play our part to prevent its spread into Sierra Leone by working together and cooperating [fully] with health authorities,” Koroma says.
The 2014 Ebola index case in Sierra Leone had actually migrated from Guinea, in December 2013 – after an 18-month-old boy in a village there was said to have been infected by bats, according to CDC.
The outbreak then, was officially declared over in June 2016 – but after killing a combined 11,310 people in Guinea (2,544), Liberia (4,810) and Sierra Leone (3,956).In all, 11,325 people died of EVD – with 15 additional deaths from three other countries…Mali, 6, Nigeria, 8, USA, 1.WATCH THIS SPACE!!!