United States Mission Sierra Leone
Public Affairs Office
November 12, 2015
United States and Sierra Leone Launch $44.4 Million Partnership
On November 17, 2015, the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Sierra Leone will celebrate the signing of a new threshold program partnership agreement of up to $44.4 million. The grant is designed to create a foundation for more reliable provision of water and electricity services for the people of Sierra Leone, with a focus on greater Freetown. United States Ambassador John Hoover said, “Access to clean water and reliable, affordable electricity are essential to sustainable development.
The United States looks forward to working with Sierra Leone to implement this important program.”
The threshold program signing ceremony will take place at Credentials Hall, State House, 11:30am – 12:30pm on November 17, 2015. Members of the media are asked to RSVP Media Assistant Wotay Kamara, at [email protected] , 099105361 or 099105365 by noon Monday, November 16th. Media must arrive by 11:00am at the event for clearance and equipment set-up.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation is an innovative and independent U.S. Government agency working to reduce global poverty through economic growth. MCC provides time-limited grants to countries that demonstrate a commitment to good governance, investments in its people, and economic freedom. MCC threshold programs are designed to assist countries that are on the “threshold” of eligibility for broader MCC assistance programs and support countries’ efforts to address challenging policy and institutional constraints to economic growth.
For further information about United States Mission Sierra Leone, please visit our website: http://redirect.state.sbu/?url=http://freetown.usembassy.gov
Philip Seppo Turay
Audio Visual/Social Media Assistant
U.S. Embassy, Freetown