By: Musa Conteh, Information Officer, CABSEC
“The aim of the Pay and Performance Project is to improve the Public Sector performance and sincere delivery to the people of the Republic of Sierra Leone”, says Dr. Ernest Surrur; at the opening of a three day-(22nd., 23rd and 24th. September, 2015) workshop, organized by Office of the Chief of Staff-Public Management Services Department(PMSD) held at the Njala University College Campus Conference Hall, Mokonday, Njala, Moyamba District, Southern Province, Sierra Leone.
The Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service, Dr. Ernest Surrur said: ” Organizing a capacity building session of this nature for implementing Agencies of this project is indeed the best thing that has happened in this country so far. During the sessions gaps experienced by them during the execution of this project will be discussed and addressed. Thereby, making sure that there is need for effective and efficient performance management system, timely and effective service delivery”.
Dr. Ernest Surrur (Left) and Mr. Sowa(Right) at the CABSEC/PSMD Capacity Building Training Workshop (Photo: Musa Conteh)
Dr. Surrur commended the Office of the Chief of Staff- Public Management Services Department-(PMSD) particularly the Director, Mr. Sowa and his team for the hard work they have been doing at the ministerial level which has also helped at the individual level. Because the same people performing at the ministerial level are the same people assessing at the individual level. There is strong correlation between the two sets-(the institutional level and the individual level). “There is no way you can give high marks to an institution whose individuals have performed poorly. There has to be that strong link. This session will enable implementing institutions to consolidate the gains they have already made with their different MDAs and strengthen the link between them “, he said.
Since the inception of the performance management system the Cabinet Secretariat-(CABSEC) has come to realize that the performance management system will ensure the highest level of accountability and transparency at the individual as well as the institutional level. Once it is fully implemented it is expected to bring about a better understanding of how MDAs plan, monitor and report on their results. It will also show how MDAs and individual work plans are aligned thus, moving to holistic and integrated result based performance management system.
“In pursuit of this and with World Bank funding through the Public Sector Reform Unit-(PSRU) the CABSEC had requested Officers grade 11 and above to sign performance contract for 2014. But the CABSEC was unable to evaluate progress that were made to achieving these highlights due to various reasons including late allocation of funds to MDAs and the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease, so we did not continue with that. However, this year our Rapid Result Initiative under the Peer Performance is to have 136 Officers of grade 11 and above in 12 pilot ministries sign performance contract and to make sure we evaluate them-(i.e.: complete the circle of performance management evaluation). Out of the 136 , 128 were able to sign the performance contract, 8 of the Officers were not able to sign because of wastages -(some are sick, some have died and some have retired). Evaluation made in achieving the targets in the 1st and 2nd quarters is currently underway “, Dr. Surrur explains.
Cross-section of participants at the capacity building training (Photo: Musa Conteh)