The former Mayor of Freetown , Yvonne Aki- Sawyer, is troubled by yesterday’s rainstorm disasters in Sierra Leone.
She posted the following in her Facebook page today
Today I sympathized with the family of Pa Sorie at Garden Community in Moyeiba; he lost his life as a result of a mudslide during this morning’s downpour.
After that, I went to the Bankolae community in Cline Town to also sympathize with the families of the 6 other people (a pregnant woman, a man and three children) who died when a wall collapsed on their homes during the rain.
It was heart wrenching to spend some time consoling the bereaved families. I also delivered a small purse of support to the families towards their funeral costs.
The disasters that continue to destroy lives and properties are mostly the direct result of no land use planning, no building permits and extensive deforestation. I will continue to advocate for the devolution of land use planning, building regulations, and building permits to all local Councils so that construction, especially in hillside communities is better regulated. This will prevent the indiscriminate deforestation and erosion that fills our gutters and waterways with silt every year, causing flooding.
Our hearts go out to the bereaved families during this tragic moment.