Former Minister Moijue Kai-Kai entertains and feeds 3, 000 children on the Day of the African Child

June 16th in an important date for children to reflect on the incident that took place in Soweto South Africa, wherein children loose their lives in the process of raising awareness for quality education. Today marks 41 years since such incidents took place. The former minister of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA) Hon. Alhaji Moijue Kaikai, though it fit that he need to do something for the children of Pujehun District in commemorating this special day.


The former minister Hon. Kaikai invited one of Sierra Leone super stars in music, *Nasser Ayoub* to perform and interact with the children of the district especially the vulnerable children and children with disability. And the National vice president of the Children’s Forum Network *Mohamed Barrie* to motivate and inspire the children to focus on their education.


I am happy for your visit, today is your first time coming to this district and you have seen how the children welcome you with open heart and open hands, and the town chief is very much glad receiving you guys including senior elders of the district. *Nasser Ayoub*, we can’t pay you for your visit and performance only God can bless you and promote you in your music career, the children really enjoyed the way you perform and your interaction with them too. to you *Mohamed Barrie* our national vice president of CFN we hope you have seen how children are left behind in this part of the country, we also appreciate your motivational Statement and hoping the children will learn from you and also we thank you for coming and commemorating the June 16th here with us.
Said *Hon. Alhaji Moijue Kaikaia*

Following me on my Facebook page for more updates about the event, *Mohamed Harass Barrie*

*From Mohamed Barrie CFN National Vice President Sierra Leone.*

Few Photos of the events below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Image may contain: 5 people, people standing


Image may contain: 17 people, people smiling, crowd
Image may contain: 20 people, crowd