It has just been learnt that a check point has been placed at the entrance of former President Koroma to intimidate visitors and effectively isolate the former President. The check point is manned by hostile officers. This has affected operations of the APC party whose leadership is now unable to coordinate its affair. “This is tantamount to some sort of house arrest,” said an APC constituency Chairman in Freetown.
A key member of the leadership Hon Pat Sowe is in hiding, after being threatened, his house looted and residents therein whisked to police cells. Several other leaders of the party have also been threatened, including, it is alleged, the Secretary General. The general atmosphere of lawlessness, arson, beating and stabbing of supporters and a hostile judiciary have combined to create a very challenging situation for the APC. The phones of the APC leadership, including Former President Koroma have also been tapped to generally frustrate their efforts. “This is lawlessness without accountability,” the Constituency Chairman said. “Of all the beatings, arsons, harassments going all over the country, there has been no arrest or calling to book of members of the SLPP responsible.”
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