Sierra Leone’s acting envoy to China has said, her country looks forward to exploring available growth prospect from Chinese private and public sectors so as to open the country’s potentials in Trade, Agriculture, Commerce and Tourism, amongst other sectors.
Madam Kumba Alice Momoh spoke on Wednesday 15th March, 2017, in Guangzhou, one of China’s business hub, during discussions with the embassy’s Commercial Counselor in Guangzhou, Madam Weila Deng.
She had arrived as part of efforts to further discussions, following the opening of a Commercial Office there in late 2016. She was accompanied by officers from the embassy, including Unisa S. Kamara, Minister Counselor/Head of Chancery.
Government, Madam Momoh said, continues to provide an investment friendly environment and that since Guangzhou is a business hub, there is every need for the embassy to have a presence there.
With Sierra Leoneans mostly visiting on business ventures, Madam Momoh said, the opening of a Commercial Office in that part of China was an internal arrangement meant to provide a link between the embassy and its citizens “as well as attract capital flow into Sierra Leone’s growth.”
The embassy, she assured, will continue to utilise all efforts in building on the ties of diplomacy between the two republics, as well as in giving confidence to credible Chinese investors both at the private and public sectors, for them to explore Sierra Leone’s opportunities of growth.
She referred to the office as a “good beginning” and one that could help strengthen the ties of friendship between the two countries. She was optimistic there would be positive results from Madam Weila.
Responding, Madam Weila assured of working closely with the embassy in wooing investors, and in ensuring Sierra Leoneans coming to Guangzhou have closer contact with their embassy.
She disclosed discussions she has been having with Chinese intending to look at investment opportunities in Africa and that she has encouraged them “to visit Sierra Leone and look at what the country could offer in the areas of agriculture, tourism and other sectors of growth.”
Madam Weila said, in the short term, she looks forward to encouraging tourists to visit Sierra Leone, “all in a bid to support Sierra Leone’s economic growth.”
She said, with the support of the embassy, there are plans to organize an Investors’ Conference in the coming months, with the aim of building investors confidence as well as “informing them of the areas of growth opportunities in Sierra Leone.”
Madam Weila manages a Light Factory in Foshan, Guangdong Province and has business interests in Nigeria, Ghana, Italy and Portugal, amongst other countries.
Guangzhou, capital for Guangdong Province, Southern China, is China’s largest commodity manufacturing city and the country’s main business centre for Africans. It is a major port and transportation hub and China’s most populous city after Beijing and Shanghai.
John Baimba Sesay
Information/Press Attaché
Sierra Leone Embassy
People’s Republic of China.