*By Abdul Karim Barrie*
The beautiful Modern Village of Darussalam, Mogadishu, Somalia built in the last five years is an evidence of quality leadership and success.
Under very difficult circumstances caused by global challenges and the war in Somalia, the successful leadership of this great nation was able to make huge economic impacts on Somalis.
Putting his country before anything else, including greed and aggrandizement of personal wealth, the President of Somalia, H. E, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, was able to manage his country well, ensuring that every Somalian lives a life full of respect and dignity.
On the contrary in Sierra Leone, President Bio, trying to conceal his governance ignorance and failure, he uses anything that comes to his mind as a justification. As soon as he took office, President Bio described the economy as broken and in the state of near collapse. He blamed global problems for his malaise economic performance and now he is blaming his inefficiency on the five year term as not being enough to fulfill his promises.
Being excellent at excuses, we are waiting to hear from President Bio that the death of Queen Elizabeth of England affected his government to the extent that he couldn’t construct the Lungi Bridge, the national bakery and that the Queen’s death led to the suspension of rice harvest at his Tomabom farm.
Should he have sympathy for his fellow Sierra Leoneans as a result of the prevailing hardship they are going through under his presidency, President Bio would be ashamed to parade across this nation seeking for a second term. Before we sacrificed our votes to elect him to the highest office of this land, President Bio promised to fix the economy in 6 months. We gave him 60 months yet he couldn’t fix the price of gari, instead he made it worse. If we give him another term, when he knows he won’t be coming back to beg for votes, we will prefer to die than live a miserable life under a second term of the Bio administration.
I hope the Sierra Leonean people still remember when Dr. Samura kamara pointed out to this nation during the presidential debate in 2018 that Maada Bio doesn’t have the ability to successfully lead Sierra Leone. His statement was politicized and the people of this country went on to vote for him. Today we have gone through all difficult experiments under President Bio, including hunger, harsh living conditions, police brutality, extrajudicial killings, disrespect for the rule of law, tribalism and political intimidation.
Today we have all confirmed that President Bio is incapable of ruling Sierra Leone. That’s why we must all come together as patriotic Sierra Leoneans to rise above anything else, irrespective of our political affiliation, tribal and regional background to save this nation.
We must all remember that before a disaster, God sends signs as a warning and failure to act on such signs; He strikes us with His wrath. The unprecedented cost of living and economic hardship under President Bio in his first term is a warning from Allah. So we must take these warnings into consideration.
There is no doubt that thousands in this country love President Maada Bio, but we must never risk the survival of this nation to maintain him in power by allowing him a second term. Before anyone of us cast our votes on that very important day, 24 June 2023, we should give ourselves a second of silence and think whether the majority of citizens in this country can afford to feed their families under this present cost of living.