Yesterday, COCORIOKO received reports that the All People’s Congress North American Branch ( APC-NA ) Executive led by Aziz Turay has been dissolved by the Secretary General of the National Branch , Ambassador Osman Foday Yansaneh, making way for a new convention and elections to elect officials to govern the affairs of the Branch in America.
The information was given to Cocorioko by three Chapter Presidents from different states in the U.S, who separately said they had received it directly from Ambassador Yansaneh. Though the three individuals are usually reliable persons, especially in matters dealing with APC-NA , COCORIOKO has sought further clarification from the appropriate authorities in Freetown and Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the U.S, His Excellency Bockarie Stevens.
We have been shown a letter from Ambassador Yansaneh , written to all Chapter Presidents, that gave credence to the reports from the three chapter presidents. Though the letter did not mention dissolution, it surprisingly made no mention of the Aziz Turay administration which was supposed to have conducted the convention and the elections. Rather , it mandated Chapter Presidents to help suggest a 5-man Convention team to stage the convention and the elections.
Today, we have sought more clarification from the appropriate authorities in Freetown and Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the U.S, His Excellency Bockarie Stevens. From the information gathered, the APC National Headquarters has taken over control of both of the conduction of the upcoming convention and the elections .The Freetown authorities chose the date for the convention which would be December 6 and the state where it would be held, Washington DC.
Ambassador Stevens stated affirmatively that the delegation coming from Freetown is not coming to supervise or observe a convention and elections. Rather, the delegation is coming to conduct the convention and the elections.
Talking to officials in Freetown, we were told that the outgoing Aziz Turay Administration has been divested completely from the process of conducting the convention and the elections for the following reason : The chaos in the APC-NA Branch and the confusion about who was actually in control. When Mr. Aziz Turay was leaving for Freetown , he was actually supposed to have left the Branch under the control of his Vice-President, Mr. Sallieu Conteh. This was however not done and the Secretary General, Mr. Hassan Kamara was instead asked to serve as Vice-Chairman. This has created a very chaotic situation with supporters of the Aziz administration regarding Hassan Kamara as the Chair while most of the Chapter Presidents recognized Mr. Sallieu Conteh as the legitimate Chair. Under these chaotic circumstances, we are told, the APC National Body in Freetown had no alternative but to neutralize the Aziz administration and take control of the convention and elections. Pressed to say whether the executive has really been dissolved , the officials asked those in doubt to read between the lines.
Then, this afternoon, we were given a letter sent today by the National Campaign Chairman of the APC National in Freetown, Hon. Leonard Balogun Koroma. The letter replicated what Ambassador Yansaneh had said.
To: All A. P. C. Branch Presidents , USA :
I have been directed by the National Secretary General, Comrade Osman Yansaneh to request you to inform all U. S. A. Chapter Presidents that the A. P. C. North America Convention will be held in Washington D. C. On Saturday 6th December, 2013 . We want to thank Chapter Presidents who have already submitted their membership lists to the NSG and urge Chapter Presidents who have not submitted their membership lists to the National Secretary to do so latest by Saturday 30 November, 2013 ; Chapters failing to submit their membership lists against the deadline of Saturday 30th November will be not be eligible to participate in the Convention . By copy hereof, Ambassador Bockari Stevens is urged to make necessary arrangements for the hall for Saturday 6th December, 2013 in collaboration with the outgoing Aziz administration . signed .Leonard Balogun Koroma .
1. Hon. Minkailu Mansaray, Deputy Chairman, All Peoples Congress and Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources
2. Alhaji Ambassador Osman Foday Yansaneh , National Secretary General, All Peoples Congress Party
3. Hon. Leonard Balogun Koroma, National Elections Coordinator, All Peoples Congress and Minister of Transport and Aviation
4. Captain M. A. Pat Sowe – Regional Chairman, Western Area and Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources.
5. Rtd. Major Paolo Conteh – Minister of Defence
6. Hon Musa Tarawallie – National Organisig Secretary and Minister of Lands, Country Planning and Environment
7. Hon. Amadu Fofanah – Former Financial Secretary , UK and MP Constituency 109
8. Mr. Bai Mamoud Bangura- President APC NYL and Youth Presidential Aide
9. Madam Elesabeth Mans – President APC Women’s Congress
10. Mrs. Mabinty Mansaray – Member, APC Women’s Congress
11. Mr. Foday Lansana Suma , Former Publicity Secretary,UK, Publicity Secretary , Kambia District, Co-opted Executive Member, APC Northern Region , PA to APC National Secretary General
12. Mr. Sheku Ibrahim Conteh – Former Assistant Branch Secretary , UK and Executive Secretary , Ombudsman’s office
13. Mr. Emmanuel Yoni Sesay- Former, Vice Chair, UK in charge of Membership and APC Data Collation Manager
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