04–27- 2022
Ibrahim T Jalloh
Sixty one years ago today, Sierra Leone gained independence from Britain and that was in 1961.
The expectations were astronomical,huge, admirable , welcomed, hopeful, illuminating, joyful and the atmosphere was peaceful ,perfect , admired, entertaining welcoming and quite promising .
The mood was sober, lovely, respectful, joyfully ,emotional and widely accepted by the people.
Freedom was finally here. and things should change for the better and that was the thinking. and expectations of almost everyone .
Those real hopeful thinking, lofty expectations, imagined abundant wealth , adequate supply of staple foods, excellent education and good health systems have been killed and buried by the APC and the. SLPP respectively.
Today we have absolutely nothing to celebrate not even freedom of anything such as the press, speech and host of others because our hopes have been shattered, burnt into ashes and buried by those dangerous political parties .
The SLPP and the APC had worked tirelessly hard to implement economic , cultural and political instabilities in Sierra Leone for the best part of those sixty one years .
Instead of engaging in sustainable economic . Cultural ,educational, agricultural and industrial developments , they chose the dangerous and criminal paths to instability, mismanagement ,corrupti on and destructions .
Those two parties have been very busy in all those years promoting tribalism, regionalism , nepotism,cronyism ,egotism ,eliminating political opponents , destroying the rule of law and the constitution .
There were good schools , better streets fine roads good hospitals , reliable railway systems, efficient, post offices ,good drinking water , ample supply of electricity and abundant supply of staple foods before our meaningless independence.
Today the luxury of those life savings things have been taken away and replaced by toxic policies and unscrupulous activities.
There is absolutely no reliable supply of electricity , no good drinking water ,no good schools , no good hospitals , no justice , no room for the rule of law ,no jobs , no zoning laws , no freedom of speech , the currency is worthless, the highways in terrible shapes, the capital city is filled with trash, no real vision for the country ,and food supply is in life support .
Today everything is extremely expensive. Houses,food ,transportation, water to name a few are too expensive for most people.
What are we celebrating ! The summary executions of political opponents, the closing of the railways, the abolition of the SLPMB that employed thousands of people, the closing of the only oil refinery in the country ,the massive corruption of government officials , the blatant abuse of power , the illegal removal of the Vice President , the relentless effort by the APC with the help of the SLPP to stay in power for life , the advent of the timber gate , the cocaine gate , the ferry gate , the Ebola gate , the bus gate , the voucher gate , the trash gate, the mudslide gate, the haja gate, selective enforcement of our discriminative laws which favors the rich and. the well connected including a host of other illegal acts .
This new government should look into all of those illegal activities and punish those who committed those blatant crimes against the people.
They should be given what they deserve, maximum punishment if found guilty of crimes against the people of Sierra Leone. Failure to impose harsh punishment on those found guilty will only encourage more corruptions.
The time was long overdue for the criminal officials of the government to do real self assessment .
The facts are, we are really not doing well in promoting development in all sections of our economy .because of massive
Building few roads is purely cosmetic . If the roads are important why did the APC destroyed the Railway System ? A vital link to all the major cities in the country . Building roads that leads to nowhere is just window dressing but not development .
We need farms and manufacturing factories that support those roads .
I am asking all patriotic Sierra Leoneans to come and work together for a better nation.
We have tried the SLPP and the APC for 61 years and they have failed miserably .
There is absolutely no need to support them anymore . They are big failures and we do not need people who have disappointed us to continue to lead us to hell.
It is time to try something new and really promising, reliable and productive.
A party that is not tribalistic , egoistic or divisive , it is a party for everyone to come and work together for the benefit of all not just a few .
Nothing is working in Sierra Leone . People are suffering tremendously under the watchful eyes of the APC and the SLPP . Those two parties have not done anything to stop the anguish .
Sierra Leone is not a poor country . Our problems are unpatriotic, unreliable, , irresponsible and do nothing leaders backed by professional criminals .
Things will change overnight if we have good leaders who put this country first and nothing else .
We have everything to make our country a great nation .
We just need devoted, patriotic, industrious, able, willing and honest leaders to take us to the club of develop nations .
Today the SLPP has assumed the mantle of power . This party needs to address the angoning and blatant economic problems, lawlessness, political ineptness, poor educational standards, poor agricultural production, rampant mismanagement and socially cancerous problems in Sierra Leone.
Our democracy is surely not moving to maturity because of the massive corrupt practices of our governments.
The composition of the Sierra Leone parliament has changed hopefully for the better.
The archaic mafia and criminal ways of doing things have been given a mortal blow forever and those undemocratic and despotic ways will never be accepted by the people .
We had hoped this parliament was going to be responsive, productive, responsible and would seek the interest of the people but that has not happened.
This was not because of the APC or the SLPP but because of NGC and C4C parties
These two parties were expected to hold the present government accountable for all its actions or inactions.
These high expectations have not been realized .It has been a total failure by NGC and C4C to have held the present government accountable for all its actions and inactions.
We have been watching our new government actions or inactions .
We are going to be very supportive to policies that are productive and beneficial to the people and would forcefully oppose to things that are detrimental to the progress of the country.
We should give this government a chance to do what it has promised the people .
It has been in governance for four years and they have one more year to make our country great.
If this government fails to deliver, it is our constitutional duty to vote them out in the next elections.
We all must work together for the progress of our dear nation.
Massive collaboration, selflessness, patriotism , devotion, transparency inclusiveness must be employed by any government to improve everything in this country.
Tribalism ,nepotism, egotism, regionalism are all recipes for a total failure by any government.
I hope we would have something tangible, productive, rewarding, acceptable and joyful to really celebrate next year and beyond.