Coming fast on the heels of the recently concluded visit to Freetown of an advance medical team from the Republic of Korea to assist Sierra Leone in its fight to eradicate the Ebola virus, the Government of Korea yesterday provided details of the arrival of substantive medical team to Freetown on the 21st December 2014.AMBASSADOR OMRIE GOLLEYReceiving our resident Ambassador to Korea, His Excellency Omrie Michael Golley yesterday at the Humitarian Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul, their Director-General Younghiu Oh informed Ambassador Golley that the first batch of what she termed ‘the most skilled that Korea could offer’ will arrive in Freetown on the 21st December 2014 in time for Christmas and will be deployed at the Emergency Treatment Centre based in Goderich in Freetown.The first batch of medical personnel comprising 10 doctors, nurses and other health workers would remain on rotation until the end of April 2015, after which another batch would replace them.Ambassador Golley, in thanking the Government and people of Korea for their magnanimous efforts in assisting Sierra Leone her time of great need, dilated on the current challenges facing the Government in its fight to eradicate the virus and also spoke of the post Ebola era when the Government would require help in re activating the economy and continuing with its national development efforts. Director-General Oh, in response, said that her Government acknowledged the mammoth task confronting the Government in its fight to eradicate the virus combined with the post Ebola era, and assured the Ambassador of their solidarity and support of our Government’s efforts.
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