Krio Descendants Union boosts education


Krio Descendant Union boosts Education
… cash support provided

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

KDU Members with scholarship recipients

The Krio Descendant Union (KDU) of Texas in the United States of America continues to demonstrate its commitment towards the education sector in Sierra Leone year in year out. For the third year in a row, the Union has provided scholarship support to its adopted children in Freetown to put Texas on the map in terms of Sierra Leone’s education development. Three medical students and five elementary and high school pupils received cash supports of US$1, 000 for each of the three medical students and US$200 for each of the elementary and high school pupils.


Madam Yomi Edwin of the Scholarship Committee recalled that the recipients were adopted by the Union with the sole aim of providing them with education support. She remarked that the criteria used were the children must be in public schools and cannot afford to pay tuition fees and other charges; they must be Krio Descendants; and they must have good grades in school and must have good character. “For now we are limiting our supports to Krio Descendant children and we shall be expanding further to other children in the near future. Madam Edwin pointed out that those in college will be supported until they finish their course and those in elementary are supported based on their academic performance. “We are using our dues and proceeds from other fundraising events to support our younger folks as part of our contribution to education development,” he noted.


A KDU Scholarship Congratulatory Message from Madam Yvonne Deen, President of KDU Texas and Daniel B. Davies, Scholarship Committee Chair who also doubles as Treasurer of KDU Texas state thus: “Congratulations on being a KDU Scholarship winner for 2019. Winning a scholarship is not only a happy occasion for you, the recipient but also for your loved ones, especially your family. We believe you merit the award based on your hard work and the essay you wrote, explaining why you are deserving of the scholarship. We hope that since you have earned this scholarship, whether a medical school scholarship, secondary or elementary school scholarship. You will give back by serving Sierra Leone: especially since there is such a dire need for physicians in the country. We sincerely hope you will not disappoint us. You must contribute to the experiences and lessons learned and will lean, in school, college, or university, to others. We desire continuous give back to the Sierra Leone community. Thus, essentially fulfilling Krio Descendant’s goal to use knowledge and information obtained to help pave a path for others. On behalf of the members of KDU of Texas member of KDU Global Inc., we embrace you with best wishes for higher achievement, and a bright, fruitful future. Congratulations again and continue the excellent work.”
The Global Chairperson of the Union, Dr. Princess Dougan assured that the cash support is just the beginning of greater things to come, and added that they are proud of the recipients and urged that they continue to do well. “You should get the passion for whatsoever you want to attain in live and study well to achieve your good dreams shortly,” she encouraged the recipients and furthered that they should try to accomplish their goals to become successors.


The Head of the Scholarship Committee, Brian Davies said they expect those in the medical school to give back to society at the end of their studies. “We are supporting the medical students because we want to have more doctors in the country,” he said and urged that the recipients treat their education pursuit with all seriousness.
Elaine S. Logan of the Saint Joseph’s Secondary School thanked the Union on behalf of their colleagues for the laudable support. She assured that the cash support will be utilized for its intended purpose.

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