President Julius Maada Bio knows very well that an aggressive tax policy is counterproductive to national growth. Taxation by itself does not develop a country. it never raises enough money. As a donor-driven economy, you cannot use bellicose language to dismiss your donor partners simply for asking you to honour an obligation.
Donor partners can make things extremely difficult for the government and by extension the masses. They can simply turn the dial which they control.
Sierra Leone is not Russia or China. We wield no power in geopolitics. We’ve no leverage. The truth is, we live on handouts. Albeit I find it repugnant, unfortunately, it is the inconvenient truth.
Our sovereignty as alleged has not been breached.
Whipping up nationalism and exploiting the rise of anti-imperialist sentiments to express dissatisfaction over comments made by a diplomat is not the way forward. It is a recipe for disaster. It divides the nation.
We are now at a point where some of our compatriots who are rabid supporters of the regime are now suffering from serious hallucinations.
Accusing the outgoing US ambassador to Sierra Leone David Dale Reimer of interfering in the country’s domestic affairs is a ruse.
Those who are regurgitating this nonsense are very well known for amplifying the politics of division and polarization. They lack a grip on their Compos Mentis. These unpatriotic citizens are trying to make identity politics fashionable.
Our country will never progress if we the people continue to defend the indefensible.
Our institutions are not developing. They are crumbling. They are crumbling because of the lack of commitment by elected politicians, who have little or no desire to seek the welfare of the people. They are crumbling because we elect a kleptocracy to run our country which employs cronyism instead of competent people to run our institutions. Our institutions are crumbling because of bad policies.
Our country can only make progress when we close ranks for the common good and not one based on personal stake where we support politicians who fatten their bank accounts with public wealth while we cheer them on because we benefit from the crumbs of the loot and simply because the thief is Ours.
Politicians come and go but the nation remains.
Governments come and go but the nation remains.
Make Sierra Leone your priority!
By Prince Emile Kroma
20th August 2023