By Kabs Kanu
Maada Bio is The Godfather of publicity stunts. He created a media hype that he has spent millions of dollars on useless foreign trips to attract investors. Why are the investors not coming to Sierra Leone ? Sierra Leone is not even being considered. And he has the shameless, criminal ambassadors and integrity – lacking publicity buffoons to spin his tales. I cannot wait for the day we will arrest all these racketeers and put them on trial for crimes against the State. All these crimes being committed by President Bio and his disciples of doom will be paid for when the time comes.

Maada Bio will pay millions to foreign hustlers called organizations to give him titles and awards that are as meaningless as the words that come out of his mouth. What is this latest one about him being the Champion of the Blue Economy ? Blue, black, white, pink or yellow economy, the name Maada Bio should be the last mentioned where any economy is being discussed.
As being publicized by two of our non- partisan citizens —-Chadia Awada Talib and Claudia Anthony— we can see how food has become a luxury item in Sierra Leone under this criminal president. According to Chadia, 5 okra pieces now cost Le 2, 000. To which Claudia responded : “ Lucky you ! One sold here Le 500 . We have an extra one ( Bonya ) and you want to pini ( Groan ) “.
If a housewife wants to cook okra soup ( A favorite meal in Sierra Leone ) for her family, she may need over 100 okras ,given the typical sizes of our families , and that means she must spend Le 40, 000 on the okra alone. You have not even added the cost of a bottle of palm oil and other ingredients like pepper, salt, fish or meat ,and of course the rice or fufu to consume it with. Going by the food price index recently published by the National Grand Coalition ( NGC ) , the housewife will end up spending Le 200, 000 , which is the minimum wage in Sierra Leone, on just that one meal. You wonder how Sierra Leoneans eat daily, given such an economy and such inflation.
With the way President Bio has destroyed the Sierra Leone economy in just four years, you wonder what kind of brains organization members have to label Bio a champion of any kind of economy. Champion of Blue Economy indeed !!!!
But now let us look at the meaning of Blue Economy, of which another criminal and shameless organizations has described President Bio as a Champion. According to my research, Blue Economy refers to all economic activity relating to oceans, seas and coasts, from fishing to renewable marine energy to coastal tourism.
Under President Bio, we know that fishing as an industry has virtually collapsed , as an economic activity ( For lack of incentives ) and market women and fishmongers are complaining every day about the scanty stock of seafoods at their disposal for selling. Sierra Leone is facing an acute shortage of seafoods and the fish, crabs and other marine resources available are extremely expensive . Also, this corrupt and incompetent SLPP government has not put in place structures to boost marine energy or coastal tourism. So, what makes President Bio the Champion of the Blue Economy , if it is not another publicity stunt, characteristic of this shameless president ?
Thankfully, the news did not move or impress any Sierra Leone, because they know it is another publicity stunt, which President Bio invokes to boost his deficient leadership credentials and horrible public image.