Sunday July 31, 2005
On behalf of all Sierra Leoneans of good will, the Sierra Leoneans Advocate for Progress party wishes to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to the international community for their fraternal gesture in coming to the aid of the country by providing troops, material and financial resources during the country’s “holocaust”.
This _expression of concern by the international community, which was better late than never, has at least quelled the most barbaric _expression of hostility ever experienced in Sierra Leone or indeed in the history of human kind as a whole. However, SLAP is appealing to the international community, through its scribe, Kofi Annan, to clearly discern the fact that “peace” is not necessarily the absence of war. It is from this perspective that SLAP party regrets the announcement that the UN troops will finally pull out of Sierra Leone before the nation conducts its 2007 election.
It should be understood that the international community has a stake in the affairs of Sierra Leone judging from the amount of time and resources they have expended to be able to restore the SLPP government to power. But what is even more appalling is the fact that the SLPP government, which left by itself alone, would still be a refugee government, is disregarding the presence of foreign troops and has reverted to the same old victimization of decent and disillusioned citizens of the country for the sole crime of voicing out their invaluable opinions that are in the interest of the people of the country. The torturous death of Harry Yansanneh, the rather unlawful imprisonment of Paul Kamara, to mention but two, under the watchful eyes of international troops, should send a signal to Kofi Annan that peace has still not fully returned to Sierra Leone.
As we have already noticed in a previous article to this media, the Electoral Commission, seems to be answering phone calls. The action of NEC to stall the registration of a political party that represents the heart and soul of wailing Sierra Leoneans makes the commission vulnerable to credible conceptions. One educated guess might be that paranoia has begun to strike the status quo and it is very easy for that to filter through to NEC. The reason why the international community should no longer relapse into what many critics usually refer to as “conspiracy of silence” is because when the gallant people of Sierra Leone will rise up to the challenge in 2007 to snatch their precious possession from usurpers, it is very crucial that the international community be present to shield the defenseless masses from any diabolical reprisal from their tormentors and vampires. For this very important reason, just as a defenseless child will cling to his sojourner father, the people of Sierra Leone unequivocally cry out to the the UN: “Please don’t leave us yet; if you leave now, there will be no defense for us.”
However, this should not be misconstrued as an act of cowardice on the part of the SLAP party, for we have confidence in the proven and tested resolve of the people of Sierra Leone. We are not envisaging another Ukraine saga, but any attempt by usurpers to refuse to give the country to the rightful owners will make their beds thorny. If any one should think that they have all the known tactics of torment, let them ask other usurpers in recent history about the iron will of Sierra Leoneans. We are making this clarion call to all peace-loving and democratic countries to turn their satellites on Sierra Leone from now on to the election of 2007. The SLAP party will also help to look for microscopic details of election fraud, malpractice, vandalism or violence because our campaign team will be replete with monitoring and recording devices and we shall be willing to share any evidence of malpractice with both national and international institutions for drastic action, should any of the schemes occur.
Fellow Sierra Leoneans, be it known to you today that your country will never be given back to you on a silver platter. Those that have held on to it are doing so with clenched fist so 2007 is your destined time to prime their claws away from your only true possession you have on earth. Those who have lived overseas will bear witness that they have never ever fully assimilated and acculturated to their host counties no matter the magnitude of material, financial and educational acquisition. So for those Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora, if you have run away from the deplorable conditions of our country, you certainly will not hide from those incessant phone calls that drop anywhere and at any time of the night and day. In short, SLAP party is inviting all and sundry to put our shoulders to the wheel inorder for us to accomplish this heroic task of lifting our country up to its desired dignity in the community of nations.
If you feel committed to the cause, please feel free to contact me, the interim Secretary-General, at the address below. Be it known that all our current positions are interim. Our final choice of personnel will be effected after members have thoroughly scrutinized potential candidates. All Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad are invited to join the only true party that has the know-how and the political will to implement bold development in ourBELOVED SIERRA LEONE
Those wishing to join the party should contact :
John Kanu
422 Mystic Avenue # 510
Somerville, MA 02145
Phone: (001)8574922200
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