By Abu Shaw in London (11/04/2021)
Unashamedly, the Sierra Leone President has publicly confirmed his tribal vision steered by the SLPP govt since they assumed office in 2018.
President Julius Maada Bio, who is supposed to be an impartial recruiter of every qualified Sierra Leonean to the top positions in his government in order to promote tribal balance, unity, justice and peace, has instead resorted to the divisive agenda of employing people (qualified or not) only from his Mende dialect even though there are 16 tribes in Sierra Leone.

Yet, this tribalism oriented-SLPP government and their irate supporters continue to deny these tribalism charges despite the pieces of evidence available to that effect. This is Maada Bio’s most stupid statement Sierra Leoneans have ever heard. What a way to disgrace the presidency! (Photo: President during one of his many interviews in Freetown).
As faith would have it, God has exposed President Bio who has suddenly confirmed his nefarious tribal plans after he publicly self-inflicted oneself last week when he told the world that he has no regrets in employing his Mende brothers and sisters because he knows their work ethics very well. The ramification of such poor and divisive statements by the Head of State has not only laid bare his poor judgement in positive governance, President Bio has now proved beyond all reasonable doubts the long-held truism that the SLPP government’s promotion of tribalism is undeniable and factual.
There is virtually no reason why President Bio should have made such tribally-based and disunited utterances. The only reason why Maada Bio continues to execute such a dangerous path is that he believes in tribal governance, according to political observers. When you glance at President Bio’s current SLPP Mendecratic government, you will notice one ugly pattern emerging. All the top strategic jobs today are occupied by Mende SLPP/Paopa supporters.
His tribalism agenda is no longer a secret in Sierra Leone and in the international community.
From the Chief Minister Dr David Francis to the Finance Minister Jacob Jusu Saffa, to the Information Minister Mohamed Rahman Swaray, to the Financial Secretary Lahai Jusu, to the Bank Governor Dr Keifala Kallon, to the Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman Francis Ben Kaifala, to the security apparatus namely the Military and Police Chiefs and so on, all these strategic jobs are occupied by individuals from the Mende dialect. President Bio, himself a Sherbro and Mende origin, is ridiculously proud of his tribalism vision. President Bio confirmed this in his media interviews in Sierra Leone. More details are as follows – (Photo: President Bio in another studio for his interview).