Sierra Leoneans woke up to stunning news this morning that there has been a cabinet reshuffle in their country, where the devastating economic situation had seen citizens clamouring on social media day by day for such a reshuffle. President Bio, it seemed, had heard the pleas of his people at last and provided the changes everybody had been advocating.
There was excitement and anxiety as people scrambled through their social media timelines and pages to see if it was indeed true. The news came in bits and pieces first that some ministers have been relieved of their posts. Then finally the Presidential Press Secretary , Yusufu Keketorma Sandy posted the full list of the reshuffle.
As soon as they had digested the list, Sierra Leoneans started complaining bitterly in the social media. The reshuffle did not go deep enough as it would have been expected. The two most criticized officials in the government–Finance Minister J.J. Saffa and Bank Governor Kelfala Kallon, whom Sierra Leoneans had been accusing vigorously as responsible for the economic collapse and hardship in the country–had not been affected. They had retained their jobs. Just keeping these two officials was enough for Sierra Leoneans to conclude that the reshuffle was another let-down by a government that has been on the ropes for its ineptitude in governance.
Another thing that annoyed Sierra Leoneans was that out of 17 appointments, there was pnly one woman, showing that the Bio Government was not serious about women’s empowerment and inclusion in governance.
Additionally, Sierra Leoneans were disappointed with President Bio for creating a new ministry–Of the Environment–when the nation already had an Environmental Protection Agency. They accused the government of unscrupulous waste-Adding more to the wage bill, which was already was a very huge burden.
Naasu Fofanah
This reshuffle is absolutely disappointing and a Brigadier slap on our faces! Nonetheless, thank you for separating Gender & Children’s Affairs from Social Welfare. That means you added one woman to the heavily male dominated Cabinet.
One woman out 17 appointments is WRONG DIRECTION for Women!
Aout Elizabeth Koroma 🤣Hmmm this is pure discrimination against women
Unisa Thorlu Conteh
The cabinet reshuffle by Bio clearly shows that Sierra Leone now has a brand new ministry of environment and a brand new embassy in Turkey-More Pressure on the budget.
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health and Sanitation all now have two Deputy ministers- More Pressure on the Wage Bill
For the first time in recent times, Defence Ministry has both a full fledged Minister and a Deputy respectively!
Only one female is in the whole tweaking exercise by #Bio
Do you also noticed that the sacked Secretary to President Bio, is now the new Agriculture Minister 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Dem guys yaaa sabi fake business
Mohamed Turay toTHE PATRIOTS
Mohamed Kamara to RADIO DEMOCRACY FM 98.1 >>www.radiodemocracy.sl
The cabinet reshuffle by Bio clearly shows that Sierra Leone now has a brand new ministry of environment and a brand new embassy in Turkey-More Pressure on the budget.
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health and Sanitation all now have two Deputy ministers- More Pressure on the Wage Bill
For the first time in recent times, Defence Ministry has both a full fledged Minister and a Deputy respectively!
Only one female is in the whole tweaking exercise by #Bio
Prince Thorpe to Voices of Sierra Leone (www.VOSL.net)
Another Tolongbo style government. Dem miss Salone voters for focusing on tribe rather than competence. APC n SLPP have no business in the state house after 58 years of misrule.
Mohamed Kamara to RADIO DEMOCRACY FM 98.1 >>www.radiodemocracy.sl
Since the SLPP New direction is now gearing towards Cabinet expansion;*….we are asking President Bio to appoint the following ministers:
1) Minister of Social Media propaganda.
2) Minister of political Intimidation.
3) Minister of human rights abuse.
4) Minister of hardship, hunger & starvation.
5) Minister of Tribal hardliners & Kamajor affairs.
6) Minister of vote rigging & Election violence.
7) Minister of court appointed MPs & removal of democratically appointed MPs.
8) Minister of bread & butter, rice & plasas and ofcoz Dollar increase & Leone depreciation.
9) Minister of badheart, rampant sackings, partisan, tribal & regional appointments.
10) Minister of *”Arata Paopa Soldier”* terrorism, suppression of freedom of expression & locking up political opponents.
*Ofcoz, JJ Blood will increase more taxes, increase free education fees to finance new ministries.*
*Concerned Sierra Leoneans!*
Sierra Leone is sending a representative to the Islamic Counter Terrorism Coalition in Saudi Arabia?
Who’s paying his wages I wonder?
Ishmael Kebbay Recycling henpecked minister. Not impressed.
Cabinet Reshuffle…
President Bio why creating more positions when under your Administration Sierra Leone is marked by the poorest standards of living?
Why creating more positions when under your Administration Sierra Leone has the nineteenth lowest life expectancy and it one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world?
why creating more positions when under your Administration eighty (80) percent of the population lives below the poverty line? it is never necessary I repeat it is never necessary at this point in time considering the present state of our crippled economy..
Ministry of Finance, Agriculture and Health all now have two I repeat two deputy ministers. 😭😭 Salone don wololo under Maada Bio
Also Bio has promote Dr. Sengeh from fake innovation to education.
The other ranka about this Reshuffle is that one set of region dominate the others by 90%..