By Kabs Kanu
This is the biggest mess President Maada Bio has ever found himself . Backed by a very , very useless opposition in Sierra Leone that is helping him get away with everything , Bio also has one of the largest pockets ; very generous pockets to spin doctors , which he has also been using to bribe his way out of reprisals for all the corruption, human rights abuses, killings and elections thieving he has been perpetuating with impunity.
It is not that Bio has escaped justice . Far from it. The prospect of him ,along with his wife and some acolytes being indicted when he leaves power, is looming larger everyday. Bio might think he will get away with everything but he is wrong.
Yet, despite this seemingly astounding but shortlived luck , this particular brewing case on his head for harboring an international fugitive drug lord, Jos Leijdekkers is one of the biggest challenges Bio has faced . The more Bio’s supporters and paid local defenders spin it, the more the spinners and the Bio family look ugly , and we, the media, are storing up everything for evidence tomorrow.
Let us look at the facts.
The international media have never been speculating about the issue . Their reports are written with a tone of authority and certainty about the drug lord Jos Leijdekkers in Sierra Leone and being sheltered . BBC, CNN, Al Jazira, Reuters , the South China Morning Post and the British and Dutch media would certainly not put their internationally established credibility on the line . They must have verified the story and assumed a certain degree of confidence with the facts in their possession for them to have produced their reports with such unequivocal sure- footedness.
And the bad luck for the paid, flailing spinners is that short of saying that Bio does not know the young man, Jos Leijdekkers, the SLPP Government has not said that it is a case of mistaken identity ; nor have the spinners and SLPP government explained what an infamous, most notorious and most sought international fugitive drug Lord was doing around the First Family, posing in a close and intimate photo in church with the presidential daughter or helping the president harvest rice in his farm in his native Tihun .
The First Couple do not know a white man cozying their daughter in the same seat in the church ? What kind of permissive parents are they ? If it had been a black man and a Sierra Leonean, it would have been easy to just wave it away as one of those things but a strange white man is in church hobnobbing with their daughter and they did not seek to know his identity, given our proclivity in Africa to be curious and fascinated with white people hanging around us?
And then , the same white man Jos Leijdekkers grabs a carving knife and joins Bio to harvest rice in his farm in his native village Tihun, as far afield as Bonthe. And yet, it did not arouse any curiosity in Bio , his wife, officials and anybody to find out who he was and what was prompting such goodwill in a white man to join natives to bake in the hot African sun to help them harvest rice in their farm ? Even if it had been a peace corps in the area, a normal person, not to mention a President , would have wanted to recognize his ” adjo ” and tried to know his identity to at least thank him. Knowing President Bio’s trenchant lust for publicity , and his supporters’ inordinate obsession with propaganda, would it not have been great news to show the public that Bio’s laudable program to feed the nation has attracted such local and international acclaim that a white man even joined him to harvest his farm ? Yet, Bio’s supporters would want us believe that the president snubbed the white man completely and made no attempts to identify him , the same white man he had seen in close , touching proximity with his daughter in church .
What about Bio’s security ? In an age of international intrigue , a strange white man, with a carving knife, is seen around such a very unpopular President and none of them felt inclined to think about the safety of the President ? What if he had been paid by the CIA or British secret intelligence organization SIS or MI6 to assassinate the President ? None of them reached out to the white man to enquire about his identity and mission. Spinners, please stop abusing our intelligence !!!
Then, look at the video evidence and it is interesting to know that it was not a person seeking to set up or besmear Bio ,who released it to the public. IT WAS THE PRESIDENT’S OWN WIFE, NONE OTHER THAN HIS BELOVED FATIMA BIO, WHO, ACCORDING TO REUTERS, UPLOADED THE VIDEO IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA !!!!!!!!! Beautiful Fatima Bio is a die- hard supporter and promoter of her husband, a truly ideal wife, who stands by her husband in all circumstances . She would not have done anything to hurt her hero- husband, her knight in shining armour!!!!!! There was nothing sinister in what Fatima did . So, the spin that it was all a set up is ludicrous and laughable.
Lastly, none of the spinners has disputed the authenticity of the videos and photos or the identity of Jos Leijdekkers, which could have been the best defence for Bio. But how do you question the genuineness and validity of video evidence of events that happened in the public realm ? Only a moronic spin master would attempt such idiocy. How do you deny that it is not Jos Leijdekkers, when his country released photos of him that matched those of the fugitive in Sierra Leone ?
Until we are given undisputable evidence that the white man is not the fugitive drug lord Jos Leijdekkers and that it is mistaken identity, the video and pictorial evidence suggest that it is more likely than not that President Bio , family and government harbored a wanted international drug lord and fugitive in Sierra Leone..
We would for now believe REUTERS that : ” The images and accounts shed fresh light on the role of the West African nation, which international law enforcement officials said is a transshipment point for large volumes of Latin American cocaine headed to Europe.”
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