TODAY is THE BIRTHDAY of Late President Siaka Probyn Stevens, the founder of our party and the third post-Independence leader of our country and our first Republican President.
From what I have learnt of Sierra Leone politics in the twilight years of my life, I have profound respect for him and I believe , with all his mistakes ( We all make mistakes ) , he deserves love from us because he made a lot of socio-economic and political developments which are still visible and also he helped unite the country.
I am glad that our national stadium’s name has been duly returned to him —The Siaka Stevens Stadium. He also gave us our first modern soccer stadium and removed our shame of having the waterlogged SLFA Kingtom Grounds and stony Recre as our national Stadium.
Many of our prestigious infrastructure before President Koroma were constructed by him.
His scholarship system was absolutely amazing.
Lots more .
May his soul continue to rest in peace.