A Response to First Lady Fatima Bio’s Stupid Response to Africanist Press, after she was caught red handed illegally receiving 1 million dollars from the Consolidated Funds.
1.Fatima, it is completely stupid to say that because Nigerias first ladys budgetory allocation is 12 million dollars, you have to be given the same. Have you compared Nigerias GDP to that of Sierra Leone? So that is not a justification for J J. to be illegally siphoning money into your account.

2. Bringing other First Ladies was not necessary. Hands of our girls should be about seeking solutions to the problem of rape. I dont see how spending one million dollars to fly in other first ladies is value-added.
3. The emphasis you place on flying in dignitaries and first ladies tells me you are more focused on using it as publicity for yourself than the girls of Salone.
4. Mrs Bio can you please provide evidence with receipts that you spent the entire one million dollars, on hotels. airfare and feeding for your dignataries and other First Ladies? That is how transparency and accountability works. It is not merely by saying it on Facebook live.
5. Mr Bah article is not about gender equality but non-budgetory funding from the consolidated revenue that was not authorized by Parliament. Please stick to the topic at hand.
6. Mr Bah did not say anything about you not having right to work. All he pointed out is that your Office received five times more money than all government ministeries and we want to know why.
7. Remember that the consolidated revenue is the peoples money. Mr Bah or any Sierra Leonean citizen has the right to ask such questions. I dont understand why you are so angry about being questioned.
8.Just so we understand you correctly are you saying your $740,000 bank balance is money you dont need to use? If so, would you be so kind to revert it back to the consolidated revenue. Govt. should use it to pay the lecturers that are currently on strike for their unpaid wages.
9.With all due respect Madam First Lady saying a citizen of Sierra Leone does not like his country simply because he questions why government gives you a million dollars without Parliamentary approval is an absurd statement.
10. Also, I know you dont know much about Sierra Leone and only started reffering to yourself as Sierra Leonean after meeting President Bio. So you would not know about Chernoh Bahs uncompromising stance on corruption which spans over two decades. Go ask Keketoma Sandi, who use to quote from his writing to highlight APC corruption.
11. Again you are not making any sense about your statement on what is between you and Maada Bio. I doubt Mr Bah cares about what is between you and your husband. Thats your marital life. Please keep to the topic at hand.
12. The statement that Mr Bah wanted a job from your husband and that is the reason he is exposing your lies about not receiving money from the consolidated revenue is nonsensical and merely an ad hominem attacks you think will tarnish his credibility. However, that is not going to work because we know when Chernoh Bah was exposing APC corruption, it was not because he wanted a job from APC. Sierra Leonean find Chernoh more credible than you. Especially giving the fact that you have repeatedly lied about not receiving a penny from government, only changing your story when Mr Bah provided evidence that you cannot deny.
13. It is not Mr Bahs business to go and investigate Sia Koroma. You brought it up as a justification for why giving you a million dollars is warranted. You bring you own evidence to support your assertion. Chernoh wrote extensively about APC corruption. If you want to use it as justication as to why you get more monies than all Ministries, please make another FB live and show it to us.
14. To say that investigative journalist Chernoh Bah for 11 years said nothing about APC corruption again just shows how clueless and ignorant you are about Sierra Leone politics.