Saturday September 24, 2005
Dear Cocorioko users,
I would like to thanks you for your good that have done of creating this web.
Please take this into considration to put this on news paper and publish it in the country as whole. we have repoted this matter to the goverment but till now we have see no changes and the youths are fetting tomatise and lossing their future and the country will get more backword.
The Salone students under A– azhar institution in Cairo/ Egypt are really surfferring and passing on streets like unnormal humans, while they are not getting proper education as they were told in the Egyptian embassy in Freetown, some of them were attending an english schools while the embassador told them that they’ll continue it and enter any faculty that each of then choose, but after their arriving to Egypt. How these youths are going to benefit the country in future while there is no hope of that?! does Salone will remain for ever underdevelope and the leaders will ever remain selfishness!!?
His exellency the vice president, information minister, foreign minister and some members in the goverment came to Cairo and the students asked them for help to take action against all these, but they did not take any action while their own children are not in Egypt in the same condition, they are in London and America getting good education. why not the others?!
Give you more informations
Peace and love,

Wednesday September 21, 2005
First_Name: Mohamed
Last_Name: Koroma
Email_Address: mohamed. [email protected]
Address: London
Comments: It frightens me to think that my fellow Sierra Leonean citizens have completely failed to learn from the dangerous mistakes of the past. Our brothers and sisters layed down their lives in the past brutal war, and although we still sadly miss them we take courage from the hope that our leaders will learn lessions from the dangers of corruption. It is now clear to all decent Sierra Leoneans that no lessons have been learnt.
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