The embassy of Sierra Leone in combination with registered Sierra Leonean organizations and community groups in the United States of America, and bilateral and multilateral partners including World Health Organization (WHO), METABIOTA and the office of Global Affairs in the United States Department of Health and Human Services, are intensifying the fight against the Ebola virus in a bid to see its immediate passing not only in Sierra Leone, but also in West Africa.
As of today Thursday July 23rd 2014, the embassy of Sierra Leone has received about Ten Thousand United States Dollars ($10,000) in cash and in the form of pledges, coupled up with a reasonable quantum of assorted medical gears including different sizes of SMS Cover gowns, Nitrite Exam gloves, Under Pad, Personal care Wash cloths, Thermometer, Masks, and other essential Health items.
The contributions in terms of Money emerged from the entire staff of the Embassy of Sierra Leone spear headed by Ambassador Bockari Kortu Stevens, Deputy Chief of Mission Ambassador Ibrahim S. Conteh, Minister Counselor Mrs. Isatu Sillah who contributed the lion share, and other patriots.
At a meeting held at the 1701 19th Street Chancery Washington DC chaired by deputy Chief of Mission Ambassador Ibrahim. S. Conteh several community groups including the All People’s Congress (APC) Washington Metro Chapter, TEGLOMA Washington Metro Chapter, NOSLINA, Fullah Progressive Union (FPU), Union of Sierra Leonean Organizations based in New York, SALCORE, Hope Health Care Services, Brown Group, etc. not only made pledges, but also identified areas of intervention and promised to intensify their campaign for different medical aids that are geared towards fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone.
Sequel to the replication of President Ernest Bai Koroma’s call for collectivism to combat the pandemic by Ambassador Bockari Kortu Stevens, some highly skilled professional and experienced members of the medical profession have been added to the number of experts on the ground to boost the manpower of the WHO Country office and other responders.
Some of them took leave of Ambassador Stevens, who made it a policy to grant gratis visas to medicos on the war path against Ebola and are bound for Sierra Leone. Some of them expressed their determination to see the practical end of the havoc being wreck by the pandemic.
On Thursday July 11, 2014, a clinical specialist Dr. Mauricio Beller Ferri of “Quality Improvement Program” departed the United States under the banner of the World Health Organization (WHO), the following week, Dr. Austin H. Demby, President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief HHS-PEPFAR – U.S Department of Health and Human services office of Global Affairs, left USA for Sierra Leone. By the end of the week, Dr. Joshua C. Johnson a research scientist, followed, and Dr. Nahid Bhadelia Director, Infection Control, National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory (NEIDL) is also on the way to Sierra Leone.
Meanwhile Sierra Leoneans living in the United States of America have criticized some elements of different political parties trying to down play the effect of Ebola, and chided others for their attempt to politicize it.
The campaign against Ebola Website known as EBOLAPANDEMIC RELIEFSIERRALEONE.ORG has been set up to facilitate contributions towards combating the disease. For t-shirts sales and donation :
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