Free and Fair Election principles ideally would insist on free access of all candidates to all parts of the country for campain purposes, equal access to the media, and equal access to all vehicles of carrying their message, for the puspose of ensuring that every registered voter gets to hear all messages and see all candidates, and makes an intelligent and informed choice of whom to entrust his destiny to. Obviously, in our beloved country, where Ernest Koroma is stoned away from a part of the country by the paid thugs of the SLPP, in the prescence of UN personnel, where Berewa uses Government vehicles bought by taxpayers money to campaign openly, shares loot and ballot papers in his Government house, and independent radio stations and newspapers are threatened with silence if they dare speak against the ruling party, this is the exact opposite.
If Kabbah desires for history to be kind to him, and Berewa wishes to disprove the signs and rumours of his insatiable greed and palpable evil mindedness towards his own countrymen, to the extent of urging fraticide, and finally, if his intelligence has not completelydeparted from him, now is the time for SLPP to relinquish power in a bold and unselfish way, by allowing the voice of the people to prevail. He presently has a card he can use to negotiate a deal with the APC. In a few days time, he will no longer have that card. The people have spoken, in loud resounding tones. He lost in his constituency, he lost the parliament majority, he lost in the capital. He is fighting a losing battle, because he is fighting against the will of God, and no man succeeds against God.
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